what can you contribute to the university answer

Achieving a 100% mark in my AS-level History and English exams an achievement I hope to emulate at A2., Getting a Guinness World Record for having spending the longest time in a bath filled with Baked Beans. "What Will You Contribute to Our College?" Comment on how that university is considered one of the best for the subject you're studying, placing you in the best place possible for future success. However, the college interview isn't actually an interview at all. This doesnt mean that having a competitive GPA, taking, courses, and having relevant extracurriculars wont strengthen your application. Think about your reasons for choosing this particular campus and, most importantly, what you can bring to it. In order to know what you can contribute to a college campus community; you need to know as much as possible about that college campus community. Instead, choosing phrases such as I spend a lot of time reviewing my assignments or If I find a topic really interesting, I find myself getting lost for hours at a time - meaning I sometimes have to complete work at a faster pace than Id like.. ANSWER OPTION #1 "I can contribute to the company in several ways. What unique interests, hobbies, or talents do you have that will enrich the campus community? Our site uses cookies. Help a child in need. What role does it play in your life now? Are you likely to be serenading your classmates as a member of the a cappella group? I will bring my unique visioning ability to your company. You can mention specific facilities to show that youve read into it thoroughly. Your email address will not be published. Cover both of these points and youll be giving the interviewer what theyre looking for. The admissions folks will admit you if they think you can handle the work and if they think you will enrich the campus community. Theyll be very impressed by the fact that you have thought carefully about your decision for many years and prove your commitment to the subject you have applied for. You may also wish to contemplate that Medical School is a place where life-long friendships are made. To come up with a strong response, you should research the school you've applied to, reflect on the school's core values and how they align with yours, then rehearse your answer so that you can perfect it. At Medical School, you need to be a team player capable of performing your own role within a task independently and to a high standard. Or is there a gigantic library of books you can explore during your lunch break? The key to a successful interview lies in thorough preparation. and interview skills play a significant role in the admissions process because they are the application components that tell the admissions board about the person behind the application. Many business schools use their essay questions as an opportunity to ask about the unique contributions you will make to their particular program. . You should look at the school's mission statement and spend time on the school's website. emotional intelligence Adaptability. 1 pt. Well, the institution that youre hoping to attend has goals of its own, and they want to make sure that you can contribute something to them. I believe that it comes from growing up in a small town. That all changed when I was fourteen, and my mom was offered a position at a hospital in Toronto. Express an interest to contribute to your industry - Even if you have no idea about what type of career you want in the future, you can still express an interest to contribute to the industry as a whole. State the full course name - If the interviewer is genuinely looking for clarity around the course you have selected out of the many they have available, then state the full course name for them. Keep it to 3 or 4 sentences - Think about 3 or 4 stand-out points about yourself that you can share with the interviewer. . How can you contribute to the university community? https://www.thoughtco.com/what-will-you-contribute-to-our-college-788852 (accessed March 2, 2023). For example, what are your hobbies? Consultants can help you with many different aspects of your application, including coming up with solid responses to tricky interview questions like this one. Additionally, it would help if you asked yourself the following questions: First, let's be clear, we are not saying that you should write out your answer in advance and keep practicing it until you memorize it. Yes, the admissions officer will ask questions, but it's only to get a sense of who you are and why you want to attend their . Show Answers See Preview. Likewise, if you enjoy giving presentations at school, then you will be a valued team member when it comes to collaborating on group projects. Prompt #3: "Life perspectives" essay. You should collaborate. We deliver helpful tips, tutorials and thought-provoking articles to inform and inspire your professional development. In order to know what you can contribute to a college campus community; you need to know as much as possible about that college campus community. Think about your reasons for choosing this particular campus and, most importantly, what you can bring to it. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. . Look at their mission statement and what they say about their campus community. They're also very often used to help select students for top universities like Oxford and Cambridge, which are extremely competitive and difficult to gain admission to. BeMo is trusted by students and is the author of multiple Amazon bestselling books with hundreds of 5-star reviews. Mentioning how your values and skills align with those of your chosen college will help you make an excellent impression. We suggest looking for keywords that seem to come up repeatedly and thinking about what they might mean for the school. Lots of students go into university knowing exactly what they want to do after they graduate. "The question, the information it elicits, and ongoing initiatives at Chapman tie together to make the school more accessible to a diverse population," he says. This doesnt mean that having a competitive GPA, takingIB and APcourses, and having relevant extracurriculars wont strengthen your application. If you arrive perfect, then it may give off the impression that youre not going to be willing to push yourself further whilst studying with them. Think in terms of your hobbies and passions. Understand the end goal Clear roles can be identified. Grades and test scores are certainly important, but they aren't what this question is about. Robustness. Good written English. For example, if you are part of your school debating team, you can talk about how you will feel confident at contributing to class discussions. This is a good opportunity to recap what youve highlighted already your strengths, career aims, what you can contribute and so on. While the type and length of interview will vary depending on the university and subject youre applying to, many are discussion-based, with an emphasis on finding out more about your interests about the subject and commitment to learn. Suddenly, we lived in this huge city, and I went to a school that was nothing like my old one. But chances are very good that a great many students harbor insights very much like that. I come from a tiny town in Napa where we all pretty much know each other, and coming together is just a way of life. Critical thinking. The key is to strike the right balance between seeming too overconfident and egotistical, to not compliment yourself enough - preparing one or two answers will ensure youre well equipped for the question. To tackle the what would you contribute to your future college campus community college interview question, you need to prepare well in advance. Good post. #5: Understand and Answer the Essay Prompt. AdmiralYi89 3 yr. ago. managing research budgets. Break it in half. Culture plays an important role in student and university living and they want to know youre going to become a keen member of their community before considering your offer. With the end of my senior year fast approaching, I know that I will have to leave my small town and all its lovely people behind for some time, but I am not willing to let go of the values they've taught me. Reach out to your child's teachers. With that being said its also important you allocate enough time for preparation and practice. The best way to answer questions about your contributions to the company is to give examples of what you have accomplished in the past, and to relate them to what you can achieve in the future. Instead, we suggest that you make a list of everything you want to cover in your answer and the structure you want your response to follow so that you can use it to rehearse. General Example Answers A hiring manager will want to know that you have researched the company you are interviewing for and that you have some understanding of the culture and values of the company, as well as understanding the specific job. Learning Medicine is a stressful time for everyone and . Make Your Experience Work for You. ", What to Expect During a Grad School Interview, 9 Common Medical School Interview Questions and How to Answer Them, College Interview Tips: "Tell Me About a Challenge You Overcame", Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania, M.A., English, University of Pennsylvania, B.S., Materials Science & Engineering and Literature, MIT. A great place to start is the school's website. Think carefully what difference you can make to their university, and in particular, how your style of teaching will make a difference to your students' lives, and in particular their academic results. https://passmyinterview.com/50-interview-questions-and-answers/#Inter. Weve covered general university interview tips in a previous article, so this time were going to give you some more specific guidance on excellent ways of answering ten of the most common university interview questions. First, I'm white and come from a pretty standard socio-economic status. Select a book which is relevant to your skills for the future - A good way to tackle this question is to include a book which has helped you develop a new way of thinking or even a skill. University graduates are offered higher pay and greater financial stability. This is often rated as one of the most popular questions asked by tutors at these institutions, but many other universities have also begun asking questions like this to gauge a students critical thinking - especially in subjects which require a lot of creative thinking. Because it had the least number of applicants per place admissions tutors arent going to be impressed if youve chosen their subject because you thought it would be a soft touch or easier to get into. Support what you say with concrete examples of your experience. Try to keep your answer short and sweet; if this question comes last, its probably designed to wrap up the interview. If you cant explain how your A-Levels are directly related to your course, then reflecting on the transferable skills theyve provided you for the future and relating them to your course will be a great answer to this question. Express your interest in the subject, briefly - If the opportunity seems to arise, then theres no harm in expanding your answer slightly to include some reasons why you want to study that subject. I spent the summer working as a personal assistant to a researcher in a research and development lab, which taught me to be very organised. Also, your high school record will provide evidence of these personal qualities, so you don't need to state them. His Top-Notch University employer can contribute up to $37,000 to his 457(b) plan in 2018. Or something that is not related to the school at all. You should take the time to research the institution, figure out exactly what they look for in applicants and the values reflected in their campus community. It shows that youre thinking about the long-term. How to best answer How will you contribute to your future college campus community?, How will you contribute to your future college campus community? sample answers, To tackle the what would you contribute to your future college campus community college interview question, you need to prepare well in advance. reading academic journals. Therefore, you want your answer to incorporate a combination of everything youve spoken about during the interview. supervising PhD students and research staff. Finally, the university interview question most students have nightmares about: why should we offer you a place? So, they often like to ask the question what can you bring to this university to find out more about your wider interests as a student, and whether they align with the types of clubs, societies and causes that the university drives forward. Ask your closest friends and family members to give you a couple of examples of what they see your greatest strengths are. You should keep your answer between one and three minutes. Now that weve covered the main weighty academic questions in detail, lets move onto some more quick-fire answers. I take criticism really personally / I can be very aggressive if someone questions my opinion. For example, if you are a keen organiser, then you could get involved planning events for a society or subject department - everyones skills can contribute to the wider community. Twilight / Cosmopolitan / The Daily Mail. For scientists, a reputable publication such as Nature, Scientific American or New Scientist would be acceptable (this shows that youre keeping abreast of developments in your subjects), providing you can talk about specific articles or discoveries that interested you. Subject-specific work experience is ideal; you can then say things like it taught me that this is definitely the career I want to pursue or it gave me an interest in this particular aspect of the course or it taught me about the challenges this industry faces. The best way to answer questions about your potential contributions to the company is to give examples of what you have accomplished in the past and relate them to what you can achieve in the future. Example Answer #2. Even then, you cant go into detail about your wider interests outside of school, or explain any interesting background history. Whatever the case is, your answer to this question will tell them what you have to offer as a candidate and whether or not it aligns with what theyre looking for. Okay Personal Essay. Someone whos genuinely interested in the subject will engage more with it, produce better work and contribute more usefully to class discussion. What you can contribute to the university? You should give yourself enough time to research the school and craft a response that stands out. Anything popularist or discredited. The question asks about the community, so your answer should be community-oriented. A key ingredient for this is trust. Pick strengths that are applicable to your course - As mentioned above, this question is all about determining if you have the skills needed to succeed on their particular university course. Example Answer #3. It is a word that summarizes a smarmy form of oppression that congratulates itself on its high-mindedness even as it enforces narrow-minded conformity." No, any student really seeking admission to Yale wouldn't say such a thing. "I'm a third black, a third hispanic, and a third iroquois, therefore i would inherently contribute to diversirty at the great ______ University.". I am experienced in many areas related to this company's current goals, including expanding international sales. It is important to communicate. If you've already written supplemental essays for your college applications, chances are you've . I chose the subjects I thought would prepare me best for this course again, keeping your answer focused on the course is always a safe bet. . Academic excellence - I could bring academic excellence to the university in the subjects that I had been trained in my previous studies, and from my past experience as a teacher, researcher and my industry/business experience. "What Will You Contribute to Our College?" Prepare examples beforehand - Of course, with every strength you pose to the interviewer, theyll encourage you to provide examples of how you have used that strength before. I couldnt decide where else to apply / I was filling a space on my UCAS form this tells the interviewer that you didnt put much thought into your decision, and that rather than having a genuine desire to study with them, you were simply making up the numbers on your UCAS form. Before receiving an offer for a university course, dont be surprised if youre invited to attend an interview with an admissions tutor at the university youre applying to. WHAT CAN YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THE COMPANY? There are a few different ways to answer this question, and only you will be able to decide on the option which is most relevant to your circumstances. Universities want to know that if they offer you a place on one of their courses, you have a genuine interest in studying there. Discover Melio, our sister company and online learning platform. You should then think about how you fit into that community, what you can contribute, and make sure your answer emphasizes those skills and qualities in a genuine, concise, and memorable way. It's acceptable to answer, "I don't know", if you explain your answer. While it may be tempting to come out with something witty such as "Just myself" or "I have a couple of rabbits", it's advisable to have a constructive answer at hand. How the course will help you achieve your career goals - Do you have a dream career laid out ahead of you? The company contracts with institutions, including the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Yale, for the use of their facilities, and also contracts with tutors from those institutions, but does not operate under the aegis of the University of Oxford or those other institutions. It's simply a conversation. writing research proposals, papers and other publications. A great place to start is the school's website. Even if it doesnt, though, work experience develops your maturity and gives you transferrable skills. For this prompt, you should consider what community r group you've belonged t nd explain how it has helped you. BeMo's founder and CEO, Dr. Behrouz Moemeni, PhD, has been featured on TEDx, US News & World Report, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, University World News and Nature blogs. Admissions tutors will be interested in the work experience youve done, especially if it relates to your course. It wouldnt be a bad idea to talk about how their particular approach to the subject captured your interest - giving examples to explain your reasons why. The school's description will give you a good idea of the institution's philosophy, the qualities they look for in a candidate, and the kind of environment they seek to foster. BeMo is one of the most sought after admissions consulting firms in the world with the most 5-star reviews on Trustpilot. Theyll also be seeking affirmation that youre a motivated and ambitious student. Employers ask this question to make sure you're aware of the fact that the job requires you to regularly work with others. I remember feeling like I was discovering a new world during those first few weeks. They want to know that you have a good reason for choosing their university, because theyd like to know that if they offer you a place, theres a good chance that youll accept it. 2013- BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. #2: Determine Your Essay Goals. With the world of college admissions being more competitive than ever, most four-year colleges and universities have a holistic admissions process. Remember, interviewers will want you to support any ideas you suggest with examples from your previous experience. Multiple-choice. Or, if youre studying for an Architecture course, reflecting on your creativity and ability to think of innovative solutions will help you shine. 2. reading academic journals. X university is an institution that encourages free thinking and open dialogue, so I am looking forward to having conversations with people who are actually interested in learning about a perspective different from their own and sharing their own unique points of view. Been invited to a university interview? You can use this question to demonstrate your motivations as a student, expressing how passionate you are to learning as much about your field as possible. Youll demonstrate your willingness to engage in conversation and make the whole interview experience flow easier. 2 Answer Key - Law; Modular distance learning: Epekto sa komprehensyon ng mga sekondaryang mag-aaral . The "How can you contribute to our school?" question. As a new teacher, I will contribute to the promotion of high-quality education by . Or already have your interview booked? Just want to get some ideas how to cover questions like "what can you contribute to the program". The "What Will You Contribute" Essay is your opportunity to tell the admissions committee why you would be a valuable addition and how you will bring something different and desirable to the school community. So, when you make a point about yourself, be prepared to back it up with an example - just as you would when writing an academic essay. Choose your weakness carefully - Although its good to be honest with the interviewer, you dont want to say something which could land you in hot water. Prompt #2: "Why us" essay. But for some, theyre still not decided what career they may want to pursue. Always provide an answer - Never reply with I dont have any. Universities want to know that you can reflect and always look to further yourself. ThoughtCo. We cant do anything aside from all of this from stepping . The schools goal will be different from yours, of course. An ability to think and work independently. A successful interview lies in thorough preparation teacher, I will bring my unique visioning ability to your course like... Aims, what you can reflect and always look to further yourself talents! 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