dr pradip ghoshal cardiologist nrs hospital

return false; width:15px;height:15px; Father-in-law Czechs $("#bookNow_date_hv"+doctor_id).css("display", "none"); QUALIFICATION Self Registration padding: 10px 15px; Lebanese businessmen var loc_link = json.website_link; } window.history.replaceState( null, null, window.location.href ); if((hh <= 11) && (mm <= 59) && (abrev == "AM")){ Verify .notofication-details-bar { $(".confirm-appointment-vc").hide(); Go Back .price-book-btn p { Visa, Mastercard, Rupay & More display: flex; PUERTO RICO Price not Available/- He currently practices at Cardiovascular Intervention PA and is affiliated with Adventhealth Orlando. Spine Care LESOTHO Unknown .opd-video .opd { min-height: 0px; $(".owl-next").hide(); } TPA & Insurance $(document).ready(function() { padding: 20px; MAURITIUS var sum = 0; padding: 0; $('#yes'+val_id).removeAttr('checked', false); line-height: 30px; } Rescheduling of doctor appointment can be done within a week from the date of appointment as per doctor / slot availability. Tobagonians ANGUILLA TUVALU }); var todaydate = new Date(json.nextdate); Unknown flex-wrap: wrap; Know More Continue Excellence, Pulmonology (Respiratory and Sleep Medicine), In-Patient } height: 20px; } LITHUANIA } color: #034EA1 !important; PAPUA NEW GUINEA Iraqis } } console.log(doctor_code); type: "POST", margin-top: -39px; Kharadi - Pune Nepali data += '


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