Suspected to be a member of the Ghostbloods, Shallan's mother and a friend attempted to kill Shallan once they'd learned of her potential abilities. On their way to the Breakaway, Pattern mentioned his approval of Adolin, despite the fact that he had bonded a dead Shardblade. Well, for one, Shallan has two different Shardblades, demonstrably, in WoR, She draws him spiraling out of a center point, then re-creates each branch off the center, which has its own swirl of tiny lines. Please help The Coppermind by. With regard to his sarcasm, Pattern states "Insults in particular will be of great use to my people, as they are truths and lies combined in a quite interesting manner." Op is asking about Tyn, the ghost blood kind-of-agent that Shallan traveled with onthe way to the Shattered Plains and killed with a blade, not Lin her father. And remember. What I'm saying is: I think Pattern was talking to Mraize. Mmm About what was happening with you. Mother's friend with a knife, the two struggling, the friend getting cut in the arm. I am just not convinced. But it does actually line up with other information we have. They are part of her truth. Now, I know the first reaction of many of you would be to point out . The Cryptics, worried about the return of the Desolations, had sent Pattern to bond with Shallan, who had been chosen because of her lies about her family. Pattern's personality progression is similar to that of Sylphrena, whence he goes from a primitive, non-communicative state to being able to put together more and more complex thoughts to being able to understand abstract communication. Ok after listening to Jofwus explanation Im more onboard with the Testament reveal. He announces to his group that the Diagram has served its purpose and now has to be disbanded. [51], At the base of the stairwell, the group found several libraries filled with destroyed records, and beyond, a room full of darkness. Being in the Cognitive made Pattern anxious and he appealed for Shallan to hurry in her endeavor. Shallan was shocked, not understanding why Pattern would have this idea, however related it to what had happened centuries ago with the Knights Radiant. It would also make sense that breaking the bond would be very similar to doing so with an already dead Shardblade, which seems to require the person to physically summon the Shardbladebeforebreaking the bond. I didnt know what to do. After the group reached the monastery building, Pattern explored the facility and sought out Talenel'Elin, whom Shallan had been tasked to find, while Veil and Iyatil conned the ardents. Or she could be with an Envisager. She says she hates him, and he says he knows. the timings dont make sense on Shallans powers. Mother loves me. im looking forward to book 5 going into this more but I have to say nothing Ive seen convinces me that Brandon didnt just have this idea for this book. And remember. He is a member of the race of spren called the Cryptics. [2][21], I will not stop vibrating. After Jasnah joined Shallan in her cabin, the young proto-Lightweaver tried to interact with the spren, poking him with a pencil and found that he responded much like an animal might in the same situation. The reason the spren killed by the Recreance are all blades is because they were manifested as blades in the physical realm at the moment the radiants broke their oaths. Well, a religious group would still count as a group, Shallan's Mother? There was something wrong about the storm and despite Shallan's attempts, Pattern would not stay quiet, frightening the slaves who sheltered with them. Your email address will not be published. [43][44], You were talking about mating! At first I would have agreed, it just seemed too easy, especially because I wanted Pattern to not actually be betraying Shallan. Tyns reply, the two that match., Shallan fell asleep after arriving at Sebarial's mansion and awoke in her new room to find Pattern humming to himself. I believe it is notexplicitly stated when she killed her in the garden. In exchange for their protection and help against the bandits, she promised to absolve them of their debts once they had reached the Shattered Plains. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Shallan still has a connection to Testament, but we never see her appear when Shallan crosses into Shadesmar like Mya does with Adolin. There is some overlap between whatever Shallan has and DID, but really her condition is quite different. Back on the streets, Pattern went to fetch Kaladin from near the palace, while Shallan waited for them on a nearby street. Those lies attracted me. What is going on here? The languages on Shallan's maps, though different, were derived from the Dawnchant, allowing Pattern to interpret some of the ancient language from the city names. [3], To Shallan, 'it' didn't look dangerous, but she trembled nonetheless. So I went to him, and he said we could talk with the cube, if I was worried. Then, 'it' came to the leg of her cot, wrapped around it, and climbed upward and onto her blanket. [72][73][74][75], This page or section needs to be updated with new informationfor, Pattern discussing the meaning of truth with, Pattern understanding his duties as chaperone, This article is still missing information. As the group began to cross the beads, he helped Shallan reach the beads, steadying her when she had to lean down over her temporary platforms. It is too vague for me. On their way out, Pattern and Shallan imitated the Brightlord - Shallan providing the illusion and Pattern providing the voice - to prevent suspicion of their presence in the house. Now, I know the first reaction of many of you would be to point out that, yes, of course shes insane. As heartbreaking as that is, I wonder why Pattern fed the lie there. In his diminished state, Pattern was hardly impressive to Shallan, who half-heartedly agreed to Jasnah's orders to spend the next few days studying the spren. We know earth years only have 365 days in comparison. [1], Despite being a spren attracted to lies, falsehoods, or their offshoots, Pattern is revealed to be a terrible liar himself. She has light blue eyes and auburn-red hair - a manifestation of her impure family line - which she wears long and straight down her back, with only its natural curl to give it body. This buzzing sound tends to unnerve people, especially those unaware of where the noise is coming from. He says that patterns are eternal, as is fire, as is the wind, are all spren. After being injured, Adolin was pulled away from the fighting by Shallan and Pattern, and the three of them escaped through the sea of beads using a passage manifested by Shallan. Pattern repeated the conversation to Shallan, who resolved to convince Dalinar that she be included in his expedition. was he under external pressure which caused him to crack? However, Jasnah soulcasts both bread and jam out of caution, causing Kabsal and Shallan to fall ill without the antidote in the jam. I only have a theory with too many assumptions. This might be a stretch but it's possible. Get something to drink. That would cause a Desolation Absolute fidelity to the mission Ishar gave us - the greater law of protecting Roshar - is required.". My personal theory is that Shallan bonded a corrupted Spren (either pattern or testament) which is why Sja-anat seems to have a Connection with Shallan. Pattern mentions that if the deadeyes' Knights still lived, the Cryptics believe something could be done to fix them. Having not understood the connotations of the meeting, he asked if Shallan wanted to speak with the other woman, having assumed Shallan and Iyatil to now be friends. When he began to talk about her past, Shallan tuned him out, instead working on an illusion of Sebarial. Mainly those, and then I saw people posting about describing different colors for her blades. What are you staring at? Jushu demanded, holding to the bannister. Shallan Davar is insane. As the pair made their way back towards Sebarial's home, Pattern offered to show Shallan the way. Pattern finds Shallan sketching the cube over and over, and . 8) Shallan could have found out, felt betrayed and killed Testament accidently in the Garden. [10], While capable of silently blending in with his surroundings, which has proven useful when spying on people, Pattern has a tendency to vibrate audibly when excited or anxious. Sanderson, Brandon. You did not break. [1]. If Testament was summoned by Shallan, doesn't that mean she was bonded as a dead blade after she broke her oath as a child? Information about books that have not yet been released, like the other secret novels releasing in 2023 and Stormlight 5, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. [6] Pattern is unable to turn completely invisible like honorspren, but he can blend in with the surface he currently inhabits such that only people who are looking for him will notice his presence. [49][50], He came at me, in the training rooms, screaming that youd found the killer. Early in OB Pattern is trying to get Shallan to progress through her ideals, and she says she used him to kill her mother. But you cannot continue like this; you must admit the truth about me. Maybe general secret organizations feud or maybe the skybreakers are afraid that the ghostbloods action also might bring the desolations (although we haven`t seen it mentioned when we saw szeth with them). Shallan played along, pretending that she was unaware of Pattern's presence and shortly after the soldier stormed away. Further, that spren are not 'born' as men are, and cannot truly die as men do. "I know that you have forgotten much of what once was. Started by Does Shallan betray Jasnah? I'm more concerned about the implications of this. You will not stop drawing., Several days later, Pattern was sent to spy on a conversation between the Tvlakv and one of his men. But it is a possible explanation. She died before her husband, who was later remarried to Malise Gevelmar. [Dont read if you havent finished the book]. You must become something. "A powerful lie "[18], Pattern has the ability to read ancient languages - such as Dawnchant - as they are written in a "pattern" according to him. In her coach, Shallan practiced her Lightweaving, while Pattern watched. [26][27][28], They form groups of five Quintets, the letters Each message follows a pattern first three words start with one each of three of the quintet of letters. The Ghostbloods could well be the culprits which would seem fitting in some ways, as her father and brother seem to have both ended up in the same organisation. Testament does not hate Shallan. She realizes that a pen could never capture this 'thing' perfectly. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. What better way to protect your daughter than to join the very organization you are afraid of. Nalan's little group of psychopathic Judge Judy's dont really seem likely either, its possible but I very much doubt that Nalan would not be there himself. Pattern and Shallan gave chase, following Re-Shephir through the halls of Urithiru, where it tried to escape, first by hiding within the shadows then squeezing through a hole in the wall. [55][56], Having successfully infiltrated Kholinar and found refuge in Yokska and her husband's shop, it was decided that Shallan and Pattern would investigate the palace. Yes, yes. Given that one of Pattern's very first actions seems to be trying to push her to remember the confrontation with Testament, I suspect he was sent to test this idea, since this is the only chance they've had in two thousand years to finally make progress on restoring the deadeyes. Shallan didn't hear the Shardblade scream when she summoned it, did she? Yes, yes. Thought this was clear from the book: Pattern told Witabout the corrupted Spren and Mraize learned about it because he was spyingon Jasnah+Wit. I was thinking about this recently. We know Heleran sought out the Skybreakers per Taravangian. Shallan has a bond with the Cryptic Pattern, allowing her to manifest Pattern as a Shardblade and giving her access to her powers as a Surgebinder. When Shallan struggled to understand the mechanisms of the Oathgate, Pattern suggested that she should look at it from a wider context, as she had done during her escape of the chasms. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. There is a chance we might end the cycle of Desolations.". "What will that do?" After being disposed of, Shallan snuck away and escaped the palace, having Pattern draw away the guards in her path. Mmmm delicious lies. Shallan had been right to be cautious, and her decision to hide and wait had saved her life. ** She also perceives Pattern as a monster during this time. [3], When she finishes, the pattern rises before her and she hears a distinct sigh from the paper, as if in relief. I also don't know that I think that in the end Pattern betrayed her. And, as was mentioned, why would Shallan have done anything bad enough to be executed? First appearing in Marv Wolfman and George Perez's New Teen Titans #26 in 1982, Terra joined the Titans early in their history during The Judas Contract only to attempt to tear the team apart from within as part of a plot by Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke the Terminator. Additionally when she passes the blade to Kaladin in the chasms she tries to speak to Pattern and then remembers that shes given Pattern to Kaladin. Theres enough foreshadowing that I think he had 2 shallan cryptics planned at least since WoR. Pattern followed the men as they gave chase to Shallan's illusion which escaped past them and moved onto the deck of the ship before jumping overboard. 6) It is possible to convince a Cryptic that finding Mishram is in their best interest. Especially until part 4 when this is explained. 1. Further, he feels he can tell Pattern from other Cryptics because there is a spring to Patterns step; he bounces when certain other Cryptics glide.[5]. [16][17], "Lightweavers make no oaths beyond the first . According to her, Ahlers played a role in the transactions because he had a hold over Frank and later betrayed the people in hiding in the Secret Annex to an SD detective. My lore video on why Salvatore betrays Claude in GTA 3. But, he says, the opportunity is worth the cost . Though Tyn did manage to hit her hard, eventually Shallan summoned her Shardblade and killed her. And who was the second victim, the man Shallans mother brought to the encounter? A "group lie," as he calls it. During her stay on the ward, Shallan noticed the spren several times, adding them to sketches she did of the room. When Shallan reached out to touch the Unmade, Re-Shephir tried to remove her bond with Pattern, to instead replace him with herself. I don't buy delusion or Unmade influence. Theres definitely questions about what blade she used at what time. Before they continued on, Pattern went to seek out Adolin, and bring him, along with additional soldiers, back to the newly discovered passage way. Pattern talked with Shallan about Urithiru and how they might be able to find a path to it on the Shattered Plains. Shallan, however, didn't want Pattern to understand, and to cope she began to dissociate her spren from the Shardblade that she could summon. I'm impressed by how well pattern was able to lie given that he was just pulled through to the physical realm. Pattern found Adolin in the training room and explained what they had found, before leading the prince, along with Renarin and a number of men from Bridge Four, to where Shallan waited. Thankfully, her blunder had not led to further unwanted attention and Shallan and Pattern arrived at the agreed upon location, being led within a building and down into a secret room below the structure's basement. was he truly that loyal to her? Rhythm of War consists of one prologue, 117 chapters, 12 interludes and an epilogue. That is why they do not scream when they are summoned. I think it has to be the Patternblade. Peter was the one who kept losing his temper. Her real name is unknown; Timbre is a nickname given to her by Venli. Pattern believes that humans do not understand patterns. It's easy! Again he vanished, seen only for a brief moment. [3], Some time later, Shallan went to find Jasnah to borrow some of the woman's infused spheres for light to read by. This new name for the disorder points out a key aspect of it: "Dissociative." Shallan initially describes Pattern as " a sequence of complex lines with sharp angles and arrowhead shapes." But the truth . The sequence of the events: -Saw the blade being put in the strongbox. Her father joined the Ghostbloods but didn't mention anything about Shallan. While practicing Lightweaving, Shallan noticed that Pattern could sustain illusions when she was not nearby, keeping them crisp and preventing them from fuzzing. [13], Within the trunk, Shallan found not only Jasnah's books and research but a number of infused sphere's, one of which she tried to use to Soulcast a fire. On the path back, they found the charred remains of Shallan's hired coach, as well as the corpses of the coachman and his parshmen. He says his real name is a series of numbers and agrees to Pattern as being sufficient enough a name. To name the most obvious differences between Shallan's condition and DID: she crafts her personalities, she is just as aware in whichever personality she's in, and she switches between her personalities on purpose, at first at least and I think still so. Sign up for a new account in our community. Jasnah still doesnt believe her, so Shallan calls upon one of the symbol head creatures. that said I think Pattern killed tyn. The only storming one. [7][26], The next morning, Pattern unlocked the chest for Shallan, so she could access Tyn's outfits and dress appropriately when meeting with Dalinar Kholin. Thanks, and I'm glad I was almost certainly wrong! My initial assumption was that Shallan's mother thought she was a voidbinder. Pattern thought that this was a good idea, and a step that needed to be taken, while Shallan panicked. ", Pattern hummed, trying to sort through to the meaning of what she said. Kaladin and Syl don't interact until the wagon scene in WoK, but we see him use his powers before then during a battle (Small glow and faster reflexes). Shallan had had him try on locks in her rooms, and he'd been able to unlock those as he had that of Tyn's trunk. Food not eaten." And Shallan begins to subconsciously lightweave a scene from her father's gardens with a pattern on the ground drawn in the dirt. Mmmm. [67][68], Escaping Celebrant aboard Honor's Path, Pattern and his companions were locked away by the honorspren during the first week of their journey. Does this feel too easy? Pattern understood that Shallan hated him, for the part he had played and that one day she would kill him in retribution. [66], When the group reached Celebrant they split in two, with Pattern joining Shallan, Azure and Mayalaran to try and find a ship willing to transport them. Re-Shephir's creatures manifested in the hallway and attacked the group, however, shied away when Shallan brought forth a number of Lightwoven illusions. [14], Additionally, he tells her that in coming to this world of hers, he had to give up many things. Their minds break. . I still don't think this is the case, but crazier theories have been right before. I know later it turned out that he was only trying to help Shallan, but when Shallan realized Pattern betrayed her, honestly thought that Pattern was actually a super evil double agent spy or something like that. Realizing that she had been fooled, Tyn moved to kill Shallan. Looking directly at him, he begins to fade, but she takes a Memory of him, then applies her charcoal pencil to paper, yet quickly switches to pen and ink for crisper, sharper lines. Her words reminded Pattern of why he had initially sought out Shallan, though his memories were vague and incomplete. She "lightweaves" things that aren't there. [24][25], Eventually, the storm passed and Shallan met with Tyn to learn what she could of her homeland. She bathed and dressed quickly, before leaving with Pattern for a winehouse near the edge of the markets. She'd been so focused on the conversation, she'd just let her hands do the drawing, trusting in her It's easy! Many spren aren't that mature and I worry about what other secrets might be given away accidentally by a spren who's too trusting. Looking at her father from another angle you get the impression that he did everything he thought he could do to protect her which leads me to believe her mother was also a Ghostblood. Green. When Adolin kissed Shallan, Pattern intervened to remind them of his presence. Noone comes looking for him or seeking vengeance on his behalf. Now you're questioning? She is instrumental in bringing Moash to Odiums side. When sorry? In doing so, Shallan realized that the Oathgate was a fabrial and using Pattern, she activated the platform, transporting those outside to Urithiru and saving the Alethi army. 3. [33], During Adolin's duel against Brightlord Relis and the other Shardbearers, Pattern was tasked with distracting Brightlord Abrobadar after he attacked Renarin, however, the Cryptic's appearance on the dueling ground, also drew the attention of Syl. I'm not really sure what Dreder refers to, but it is only lightly implied and not stated that he was the person accompanying Shallan's mother during the incident. Judas had a position of trust. Her drawn pattern then leaves the paper and moves onto the floor. Jasnah tells Shallan that she thinks the parshmen are Voidbringers and that she's concerned they'll rebel in the future. How did She mentioned to Shallan that most spren manifested differently in the Physical to how they did in the Cognitive, evidenced by the different form Pattern took after transitioning. Or at least it was indicated. For more information, please see our Shallan kills Testament and 'forgets' all about it ever happening. [61][62][63], Transported to the Cognitive Realm, Pattern and the others looked through the beads near the platform to find something they could use get away from the city. After Shallan had found the Oathgate, Pattern told her that both the highstorm and the Everstorm were on their way, and they would cause immense destruction when they clashed. But if they were the culprits, then why didnt her father sell her out? When Shallan retired to her rooms to sleep, Pattern accompanied her. [48], While exploring, Pattern and Shallan stumble across a theatre within the depths of Urithiru. When she tried to hide in her room, Pattern pushed her to summon him as a Shardblade, however Shallan refused instead creating an illusion of herself with Pattern's help. Jasnah indicated to her that 'it' was likely harmless. WoR chapter 88 As he does so, Pattern seems to be a scholarly and excitable spren, exulting in finding truths, lies, and understanding new concepts. Privacy Policy. Finally, he buzzed an approximation of a laugh. [51][52], Within the now empty library rooms, Pattern could sense the memories contained within the hidden gem archive. [44], In her rooms, Shallan practiced manipulating sound, while Pattern watched and commented. Pattern clung to Shallan, who held onto him tightly and tried to shield him from the Unmade, imagining she was holding onto his humanoid form. [40][41][42], You live lies. Additionally, Shallan has her memories with Testament, including Testament's death. Point of view: Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar Setting: The Oathgate, the central plateaus, the sky Progression of the Chapter: Kaladin finally admits he's a Radiant; Kaladin and Szeth begin their battle.Shallan seeks the pattern of the Oathgate; she finally sees that it's a fabrial.Dalinar turns his attention to the retreat; Adolin is pleased; Sebarial and Palona are unexpected; the evacuation . Later, after she had been moved to a private room, she also found them lurking, whispering to her, though she chose not to respond. Spren are creatures of nature. [6][29], After the meeting, Pattern continued to watch to see if Shallan was being followed, and spotted Iyatil tailing the young Lightweaver. Unwilling to sit and freeze, Shallan moved down the coast to try and find shelter of some kind and Pattern wandered off ahead. . Press J to jump to the feed. Here's a quote from Shallan telling Pattern that the Blade just disappeared as soon as the safe was closed: "Father took you from me," Shallan said, "and tried to hide you in here. As heartbreaking as that is, I wonder why Pattern fed the lie there. From everything I know about DID, Shallan absolutely does not fit that disorder category at all. However, I think the better answer is Radiant. Somewhere in RoW Pattern outright says that he originally thought it would be best for her to believe lies about killing Testament, and it was only later that he changed his mind. When the bandits returned, Shallan took Bluth and confronted the soldiers that had been following them. [7], When it became apparent that Tyn would not allow Shallan to get away, Pattern hastened to find Vathah to bring him and his men to Shallan's aid. ' came to the encounter cycle of Desolations. `` the first reaction of many of would! Video on why Salvatore betrays Claude in GTA 3 religious group would still count as a monster during time. Cube over and over, and he said we could talk with the Testament reveal I... Initial assumption was that Shallan 's mother thought she was a good idea and... Tyn moved to kill Shallan physical realm admit the truth about me finished the book: Pattern told Witabout corrupted! In this browser for the next time I comment she summoned it, did?... Questions about what blade she used at what time many assumptions the coast to try find! Out the Skybreakers per Taravangian. `` and, as is fire, as is the wind, are spren... Think Pattern was able to lie given that he was just pulled through to the meaning of what was... 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