avatar fanfiction zuko cares for azula

If Azula were a true friend, she would have forgiven Mai for protecting her boyfriend. They had long ago claimed him as one of their warriors and they would protect him. Most of the evidence, however, point to her being manipulative with her relationship with Zuko for her own interest. Tell me one thing you could do thats better than helping an old lady out here. Tan smiles like she won something. Or, Zuko is going through the weirdest puberty in the world. Completed toph azula firebender +20 more # 13 The Commander's Daughter (Zuko X O. by My Dog Has Become My Life. But she didn't care about anyone much. Aw hey thats my fic! Her benefit isn't what he thought it would be. Started : 1st April 20 Eziri is the eldest daughter of Ozai and Ursa, Princess of the Fire Nation, and the embodiment of perfection. This story is canon compliant, ongoing, and very queer. A dragon and a sea serpent, they dont have much of a place in human society but all the loneliness was worth the wait to find each other and people who would accept them. The Fire Lord will well, that also won't be good. Please consider turning it on! They don't understand my thematic talents. And he's not a very happy Avatar. (spoilers in tags!!) The author also added some extra worldbuilding that lines up with the historical period and setting, expanding more the cultures of ATLA with real-world inspiration. To answer that, here are five reasons why, and five reasons why not. Iroh II x femoc Ped n stl jej bratr, obleen do tmav rudch tm a ernch kalhot, kter byly zastreny v botch po kolena, hru ml odkrytou, jeho vrek se musel rozvzat cestou, kolem pasu ml opasek, za kterm byla pipevnna ltka, kter byla otevena jen ve pedu, aby mu nepekela pi chzi a vzadu na opasku ml pipevnn jeho dao, kter byly v pochvch. This is a series of small oneshots, outtakes and mini stories involving Dragon Zuko from my other fic, Scales of Truth. For Azula, it was perhaps the only time she truly felt alive. is this Hey so, I thought I'd try my hand at this! And, of course, the arrival of the Fire Princess only makes things more complicated. While Zuko is unquestionably his mother's son, with all her gentleness and compassion, Azula is just as much her father's daughter, with all his cruelty and malice. Kyoshi had served the World for over three centuries. She's more than happy to be in it. No, the boy needed to learn more than a lesson. He was told about his Avatar status at Twelve still because he accidently bended water. Weak at birth, Tui asked Agni and the Blue Spirit to give the Fire Nations prince life. Lost in desire flickering between Fire & Lies. But Azula having the social skills of deepfried butter could never convey it well. Its hard to say honestly I think deep down she does care about him, but is conflicted and used to constantly getting praise and being told shes better than him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/26762764/chapters/65287648, Catalyst, it's sequel Mother's Love, Born Lucky, There's also my fic that's so far only with 1 chapter that has her as an important character but won't really be the center of attention at all times: Rise of the Red Lotus, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13746091/1/From-Chin-To-Yon-Rah. He started Avatar training immediately after that. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. The fire nation attacked all the air bender homes and killed everyone almost everyone. It's made clear numerous times throughoutAvatarthat no matter how much innate talent anyone has, it's useless without a proper instructor. Someone who he's willing to burn the world for just as his father had done countless times for Ursa. Monsters start appearing, killing living people, missing people had been found in white ashes, and crushing pressure can be felt at times in smaller towns where no one can move and or sometimes breathe. Everyone knows how tough you are, Sokka assures him, smiling at his fiery friend. , - .- , A random AtLA world fleshing out/answering unanswered questions fic involving the death of a lot of babies and children. I'd say if given a chance she may have genuinely cared about him. Really intriguing look at Azulas life, her goals, motivations, etc. cannot recommend it enough, Was working on one but had severe writers block sorry, Well I'd love to read it if you ever finish it. His best is never good enough and with her killing blow to the Avatar he cannot help but think his sister has set him up for her benefit. The boy's eyes were golden, a piercing bright color so intense that even the almost inhumanly light amber of royal family's eyes seemed to be dull in comparison. Sokka and Katara find two boys, a bison, and a dragon in an iceberg. Katara was excited to finally join her big brother Sokka at college, with her mind laser-focused on education. He has his head shaved and he has bright blue arrow tattoos running down his head and arms. Its a 100% must-read. The Avatar had not been seen in a hundred years. Grandfather never met the next Avatar. 10 votes, 18 comments. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Its not long before Fire Lord Ozais sinister actions leave the pair scattered and disturbed as they hold the fate of the Fire Nation in their hands. Who else is there to go to except their mother? ------- After being caught by Toph Beifong while attempting to What if Zuko was saved by the spirit Agni when he was born? A brief lesson in history between the time of Roku's death and Zuko's birth. ', Zuko tilted his head again. Things change, either for better or worst. The Beach shows us she does care to some level. "He kneels in the room, his hand still bleeding. Photo Day. Iroh would beg to differ, but when has he ever been asked? That is why after the fateful Agni Kai, Fire Lord Ozai made a deal with an unnamed spirit. 'Arent you gonna tell anyone Im here? In this sense,while Aang certainly has the aptitude to learn lightning generation, it's hard to believe that he'd ever actually learn it without a proper instructor. Byla rda, e byl doma. A few months later, she asked La and Tienhai to do the same for the Northern Water Tribes princess. By herself. "My father says she was born lucky. "Nothing!" My Muse adores the concept of Avatar Zuko, and then my brain asked how many Avatars do you think you could fit in a 100 years between Aang and Zuko? Does she care about Zuko as a sibling and a person? Iroh never lost Lu Ten to the siege of Ba Sing Se and the strangest change of all, Ozai is a loving parent to his beloved son. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. In many courts, if a person can prove that they were not of sound mind when they committed their crime, they can plead insanity. Zuko went through the worst day of his life, was given the worst quest in history, and then was banished by the worst man in the Fire Nation. A hundred years have passed, and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Otherwise an AU where Aang was killed with the rest of the Airbenders, and Zuko was reborn as the Avatar after the previous Water and Earth Avatars died. ", I mean i dont think she wanted him to actually die. Zuko, ever since he was born, was always a quiet omega. It's a weird crossover (essentially a shower thought that's become a massive project) and I'm not entirely sure it's good, but people seem to like it. By day, Zuko would be turned into a dragon By Night, the prince would be human again The price for this curse was a year of the Fire Lord's life. Zuko has found the perfect place for Azula. But with his unique bending weakened to nothing and unknown threats closing in on him from all sides, he finds survival on the run harder than he ever imagined. Dragons have gone extinct in the last hundred years, or so people think Something about this isnt right, isnt possible, isnt real.This isnt a nightmare.Get the healers!. This takes place in the universe in which Aang did not use Sokka's jerky as fire stater in episode three, and the butterfly effect is strong indeed. Zuko's happy. He is tall, only an inch or two shorter than Zuko, and muscular. , , , . Or: What happened behind the scenes in Zuko's childhood that caused things to fracture so extremely between his family and within himself? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I havent read this one yet myself but Im familiar with the author and theyre very cool and have good takes on Azula as a character so I assume their fic is great! Azula always lies. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Having someone love her that much would mean the world to her, especially someone who has seen the worst of her, like Zuko has. Branding your son as a coward and banishing him with an impossible task wasnt enough for the Fire Lord. Someone taking something of mine is a thought I cant just shake off. Zuko gently squeezes his hand. Y/n l/n, a fi Nature-benders are an incredibly rare and dangerous type of bender that is thought to have become extinct along with the air-benders. : Lei, granddaughter of the late Azula, has been trained as a firebender since she was a little girl and was taught by her great uncle, Lord Zuko. Then went crazy abd had a mental breakdown. Or: Zuko is the Avatar. Good luck with it and anything else. When the Gaang takes up a mission to squash the very last of Ozai's supporters, Zuko and Sokka are caught in a collapsing tunnel and buried alive. Work Search: Azula craves love, and Zuko is unbelievably loyal and attentive. Be aware that it does contain some pretty explicit scenes. She calls herself Kiyi and says that she was looking for adventure. In reality, one's self is split into three parts; the mind, the spirit, and the body. Aang still masters airbending at the same age. The world is divided. One for his enslavement. As beautifully crafted as the second skin she wears to stay alive. Language: Espaol Words: 4,089 Chapters: 2/? Dragon Zuko is going through a season of emotions. The Fire Lady's anxious features softened. Ozai may have tried to smother Zuko's flames, but he doesn't snuff him out. Someone as skilled in the art as Azula would be a perfect choice to teach him the skill. I do hope that she gets a redemption arc though. right until the avatar and his friends drop way too cheerfully into their life, and the war returns to them in earnest. El nuevo avatar es una chica proveniente de la nacin del fuego. Prologue . In theAvatargraphic novelThe Search, we see that Zuko desires a relationship with Azula similar to the one that Sokka has with Katara. Ursa was supposed to vanish that night, and take nothing with her but her name. I hoped she'd get somewhere in the comics (kinda in "The Search" iirc), but she's mostly been depicted as a redditer called her, "the Joker of ATLA". Even among her closest allies, Mai and Ty Lee, no one is exempt from this rule. Book Name- The Burning Truth Peace.~. I'm sure with my blend Zuko will be back on his feet in no time," Iroh offered a smile hampered by sadness. Cuando Ursa seala a su hija como un monstruo, no sabe cuan equivocada estaba. The Avatars disappearance left a rift between the natural and spirit world. Zuko's fire became a legendary rainbow among his people. Summary: Instead of Zuko, it is Azula that Firelord Azulon demands sacrificed. And with a sprinkle of politics added in for good measure. Sokka's got his hands full raising his sister on his own and trying to scrape his way through college for a degree he desperately needs. Princess Izumi's life is shrouded in secrets. The reason he raised his voice was in objection to a plan that would sacrifice Fire Nation recruits like pawns in a chess game. At first he's devastated. The tattoo on his back fluttered and rippled with the movement of his muscles. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Now it's the time to inform Ursa and Iroh about it. The Agni Kai goes even worse than in canon, Azula somehow has to pick up the pieces. Upon her passing Fire Lord Azulon sets to fulfill the plans his father laid out for him before his passing and through sabotage, coups and assassinations the Fire Nation conquers the World within a year. Iroh has a calming presence. 1.2M subscribers in the TheLastAirbender community. From now on, Prince Zuko was less than a man. "Aang does need the training." He said with a shrug. And so when presented with the opportunity, he strikes. All he can do is stare at bleeding hands.". For all the cute little snippets, excerpts and scenes I couldn't put in the main story for a myriad of reasons. Later, in "The Day of Black Sun", Azula is shown to be so adept at lying that she can fool Toph's senses. The avatar cycle continued until Avatar Zuko was born. Azulon demands that Ozai kills his daughter instead of his son. Please let Zuko keep loving me, she whispered, not sure who she was asking anymore. Azula didn't care for swimming, so she chose to sit on the riverbank with Zuko. Please let Mother keep loving me. /Or au, where Zuko, born with golden eyes, can see the future at the cost of his own pain and suffering./, tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, I wrote this while missing my friends during quarantine, this takes place a couple months after the agni kai, zuko is a lil thief. But with Azula, the pressing question remains: was she ever even good to begin with? With an uncle he can't trust and a crew of misfits on his side, can Zuko do the impossible and stop the war in time to save his people? This single change shall ripple across the fate of the world; Ozai shall not be Firelord, Azula shall question everything she ever knew, and the world shall be very different when the Avatar returns. What if Agni made Zuko become the prey instead of predator? in which zuko and azula are actually very close, they now have a very niche skillset between the two of them, also the jetko happens within the fic but doesn't last, they do however get a bitchy exes subplot, but they'll be damned if they dont strongarm the fire siblings into friendship, Order of the White Lotus Members (Avatar), Azula (Avatar)/Original Female Character(s), Azula (Avatar) & Original Female Character(s), Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Most Chapters Are Not In Chronological Order, Two yelling wannabe arsonists get swapped and accidentally solve all kinds of problems (but not without giving their siblings a headache), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & The Gaang (Avatar), (she does that mostly on accident though), Dismantling Canon One Found Family At A Time, its complicated and there was spirit nonsense involved, Motivation returned by I Dont Want To Set The World On Fire- Ultranos, katara is 6 and she is the most adorable kid ever, Sokka is a Good Significant Other (Avatar), Azula and Zuko Have a Good Relationship (Avatar), (okay technically they're Azula's crew but it still works), Zuko screams at almost every member of the white lotus, why does the white lotus choose to be little bitches so often, they are all very capable masters in their respective form, Azula & Zuko (Avatar) Have a Good Relationship, If The World Ends Today (I'll Still Love You Like Yesterday), sorry if you like her but favoritism is never good parenting, Some chapters are only 1k but I am taking my sweet time with the plot. , Zuko is going through a season of emotions Azula similar to the that... 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