Sometime later his kingdom was invaded by Pekah, king of Israel, and Rezin, king of Syria, in an effort to force him into an alliance with them against the powerful state of . Whither was Jehoahaz carried captive? seems to have been a distinct name by which he was known. When Josiah died at Megiddo, his younger son, Jehoahaz (or Shallum), was chosen king by the Judahites, but the Egyptian conqueror Necho took Jehoahaz to Egypt and made Jehoiakim king. (Joshua and Jesus are derived from the same w . ; Jehoahaz (je-h'a-hz), whom Jehovah holds. One son of Ahaziah = Jehoahaz survived hidden in the temple by the priest Jehoida and his royal wife Jehosheba, sister of Ahaziah & daughter of Jehoram. Necho brought Jehoahaz back to Egypt as his prisoner, where Jehoahaz ended his days. Although he ruled in the southern kingdom, Jehoahaz (Ahaziah) was actually a grandson of Ahab and Jezebel of the northern kingdom, and he followed in the . Ahaziah watched as his uncle was shot by Jehu, who was armed with a bow. 6. of Israel's idol-addicted King Ahab, Under the influence of his mother Athaliah, Ahaziah introduced forms of worship that offended the Yahwistic party. Back to . He imposed a monetary fine of "a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold" upon Judah (II Kings 23:33). xiii. If the siege of Samaria in 2 Kings 6 belongs to his reign, we might connect this with his wearing "sackcloth within upon his flesh" (6:30)-an act of humiliation only accidentally discovered by the rending of his garments. The female version of this name is Athaliah. In this case the Ben-hadad of 2 Kings 6:24 would be the son of Hazael (13:3).5. 3059. 11. Now down in chapter 22, in verse 11, Shallum, or Jehoahaz, has been taken in captivity to Babylon, and Jeremiah prophesies that the king will never see his homeland again. Jehoahaz ruled 17 For the date see Josiah. During Athaliah's massacre of the royal family, one child was hidden by Jehosheba: the daughter of Jehoram and sister of Ahaziah. Ahaziah (Hebrew: 'azy, "Yah has grasped"; also Greek: , Ochozias in the Septuagint and the Douai-Rheims translation) was . The kings of Syria, Hazael and Benhadad, oppressed and spoiled the country. King Amaziah was the son of King Joash of Judah and his name means "strengthened by God". Jehu, who was earlier anointed by one of Elisha's young prophets, as the man to wipe out the family of Ahab, was hunting down and killing the family and friends of Ahab. But the Lord was gracious to them and had compassion and showed concern for them because of his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jehoahaz Reigns in Israel. After the failed siege of Harran, Necho left a sizable force behind, but returned himself to Egypt. 36:34). Most scholars regard the 42 years in 2 Chronicles 22:2 as a copyist's error for an original 22 years. sister Jehosheba, and later Athaliah's crime was capitally punished, The first possibility is that Matthew excluded Ahaziah, Joash, and Amaziah from his list because of their connection to Athaliah. Why did Matthew drop them from Jesus' family tree? 17. Jehoahaz. 22:11) but it was later changed to Jehoahaz, apparently when he was made king. The territory beyond Jordan, embracing 2 1/2 tribes, or one-fourth of the whole kingdom, had been lost in warfare with the Syrian king, Hazael (2 Kings 10:32,33). having been sent by the LORD's prophet Elisha to The name Jehoahaz means Yahweh is sustainer or whom Yahweh holds, but, ironically, none of these kings trusted in the Lord or followed Him. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Kings 13:7For he didn't leave to Jehoahaz of the people save fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten thousand footmen; for the king of Syria destroyed them, and made them like the dust in threshing. his brothers and his father's cabinet having been kidnapped Still, for destroying the house of Ahab, God promised Jehu that his sons would rule to the fourth generation. The Syrians, under Hazael and Benhadad, prevailed over him, but were at length driven out of the land by his son Jehoash (13:1-9, 25). After the death of Ahaziah, her son, Athaliah usurped the throne and reigned for seven years. viii. He succeeded his father on the throne, and reigned over Judah for three months (2 Kings 23:31, 34). 2. Ahaz means to seize, to lay hold, and the name Yah lays hold is particularly appropriate to the Israelite king Jehoahaz. 7); and the land was practically at the mercy of the Syrians, as foretold by Elisha the prophet (ib. Jehoiakim reigned under the protection of Necho for some time and paid heavy tribute. Low Condition of the Kingdom:When Jehoahaz came to the throne, he found a discouraged and humiliated people. What does the name Jehoram mean in the Bible? The Bible describes him as a righteous king, a king who walked in all the way of David his father, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left (2 Kings 22:2; 2 Chronicles 34:2). The death of Ahaziah gave Athaliah, the wicked grandmother of Jehoash, an excuse to make herself queen. A heavy annual subsidy was still payable to Assyria, as by his father Jehu. What's your take on contradictions in the bible? by his father as rivals to the throne. battle. and was Wounded and, Hazael Makes an Expedition against the People of Israel and the, On Daniel. During these years, the kingdoms of the seaboard of the Mediterranean were unmolested. The female version of this name is Athaliah. 2 KINGS 13:1-9 Verses in the Bible. (2.) This same Pharaoh Necho also appointed Jehoiakim to replace him. The "saviour" may refer to Joash, under whom the deliverance began (13:25), or to Jeroboam II, of whom it is declared that by him God "saved" Israel (14:27). Jeho = iah, both references to Yahwehs name, and the verb ahaz is common to both. Sample Page; ; Jehoahaz (Ahaziah) son of Jehoram, king of Judah (841 BC). Pharaoh-necho sent to Jerusalem to depose him and to fetch him to Riblah. 22:11) but it was later changed to Jehoahaz, apparently when he was made king. The people made him king of Judah since all his older brothers had been killed (2 Chronicles 21:17; 22:1). 856-840. He then deposed Jehoahaz and replaced him with his older brother Eliakim as king, changing his name to Jehoiakim. The name Ahaziah means "Yah holds firm.". Ahaziah 2 Kings 8:24 , 9:27-29, 11:1-3 , 2 Chronicles 22:1-9. The youngest son, only 22, he was chosen by default, all Name, occurring in two passages in II Chronicles (xxi. 2 Sixteen years old was he when he began to reign, and he reigned two and fifty years in Jerusalem. After experiencing Aramian oppression for a period of time, Jehoahaz finally relented and sought the LORDs favor (2 Kings 13:4). This fact attests the popularity of the young man, and probably also his political affiliations or policy, as being in line with those of his father. The identity of Jehoahaz and Shallum seems to be established by the evidence of the chronicler above indicated and of Jer. Who was king after Jehoahaz in the Bible? Who . On Jehu's death, the pressure from the east on Hazael was greatly relieved. Hazael later resumed his attacks on Israel.[6]. Is Bridget Moynahan still married to Andrew Frankel. 2 Kings 13). Jehu killed Joram, all of Jehoahazs relatives who were there, and, after a chase, Jehoahaz himself (2 Chronicles 22:79). The people set up Jehoahaz out of order; Johanan is never after mentioned; the pagan Pharaoh set up Jehoiakim; Nebuchadnezzar Zedekiah. During the period of his rule Syria under Hazael and Ben-hadad became particularly aggressive (II Kings xiii. See Ahaziah.E. Third son of Josiah, King of Judah (II Kings xxiii. At first his name was Shallum (Jer. Called "Shallum" in Jeremiah 22:11; compare 1 Chronicles 3:15. King Jehoahaz of the Kingdom of Judah, son of Jehoram. The neighboring kingdom of Judah was still unfriendly to any member of the house of Jehu. Jehoahaz ben Josiah ,also known as Shallum, a son of Josiah king of Judah, chosen to succeed his father in the summer of 609 b.c., but deposed by Pharaoh Necho three months later ( 2 Kings 23:30-34; 2 Chron 36:1-4 ). It seems probable therefore that despite the Septuagint, which reads Jehoahaz instead of Johanan in I Chronicles 3:15, Jehoahaz was not the first born and that the Am ha-Are ("People of the land") deliberately gave him precedence (II Chron. (. Elijah the Tishbite. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 25:23Joash king of Israel took Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Joash the son of Jehoahaz, at Beth Shemesh, and brought him to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four hundred cubits. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Kings 23:30His servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. 2 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, and followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which . ( 2Ki 12:1; 1Ch 3:11) In the Masoretic text his name is often abbreviated to Joash. "(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Kings 14:17Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah lived after the death of Jehoash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel fifteen years. After a fierce battle Josiah was killed. Although the inscription may be a contemporary witness of this period, kings of this period were inclined to boast and make exaggerated claims; it is not clear whether Jehu killed the two kings (as the Bible reports) or Hazael (as the Tel Dan Stele reports), or if Jehu acted in concert with Hazael. Inexplicably, after God delivered him from the Aramians, Jehoahaz left standing the wooden Asherah pole in Samaria, the capital (2 Kings 13:6). Original Publication Date. The youngest son of Jehoram, king of Judah (2 Chronicles 21:17; 22:1, 6, 8, 9); usually Ahaziah (q.v.). (See RSV). Jehoahaz Begins His Rule. Possibly the notice that "he did evil in the eyes of YHWH" (II King 23:2) is inspired by the needs of theodicy to account for the shortness of his reign. 1 In the twenty and seventh year of Jeroboam king of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah king of Judah to reign. accompanied him there. 2. Jehoram, the son of Ahab and Jezebel and king (c. 849c. Jehoahaz, otherwise called Shallum, son of Josiah, whom he succeeded as king of Judah. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 36:1Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and made him king in his father's place in Jerusalem. Yahweh has laid hold of His people, and in spite of all their idolatries, he refuses to turn away from them, but gives them deliverance from oppression and victory over the Arameans. 4The king of Egypt made Eliakim, a brother of Jehoahaz, king over Judah and Jerusalem and changed Eliakim's name to Though not altogether obvious in English, the names Jehoahaz and Ahaziah are variations of the same name (cf. 2-4) was such that Necho had him seized and carried to Riblah in the plains of Hamath, the seat of Necho's authority. Who was king after Jehoahaz in the Bible? they were not delivered! Jehoram was Status. After Jehoash was crowned, the covenant was renewed between God, the king, and the nation. It will drive you nuts if you're not careful. Judah was an important land during the Iron Age. /j/joahaz.htm - 8k, Jeho'ash (16 Occurrences) 2 Kings 13:10 In the thirty and seventh year of Joash king of Judah began Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz to reign over Israel in Samaria, and reigned sixteen years /j/jeho'ash.htm - 11k, Jo'ash (44 Occurrences) 2 Kings 13:1 In the three and twentieth year of Joash the son of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Jehoahaz the son of Jehu began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and /j/jo'ash.htm - 19k, Amazi'ah (37 Occurrences) 2 Kings 14:8 Then Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying: 'Come, let us look one another in the face /a/amazi'ah.htm - 17k, Necho (3 Occurrences) On his return march he deposed Jehoahaz, who had succeeded his father Josiah, and made Eliakim, Josiah's eldest son, whose name he changed into Jehoiakim, king /n/necho.htm - 9k, Shallum (27 Occurrences) two years younger than his brother Eliakim. 2 And he did . The captive king, Jehoahaz, was carried prisoner to Egypt (Ezek. 2. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Kings 13:9Jehoahaz slept with his fathers; and they buried him in Samaria: and Joash his son reigned in his place. In the three and twentieth year of Joash the son of Ahaziah king of Judah Jehoahaz the son of Jehu began to reign over Israel in Samaria, [and reigned] seventeen years. He was a king for 1 year in Jerusalem. All Rights Reserved. 3The king of Egypt dethroned him in Jerusalem and imposed on Judah a levy of a hundred talents b of silver and a talent of gold. 2 Chronicles 22: Ahaziah and Athaliah. When did Jehoram become king of Israel? Jeho = iah, both references to Yahweh's name, and the verb "ahaz" is. He had a great regard for the prophet Elisha, and visited him on his deathbed, where by a divine oracle he was assured of three victories over the Syrians. Chronology of Reign:Josephus was already aware (Ant., IX, viii, 5) of the chronological difficulty involved in the cross-references in 2 Kings 13:1 and 10, the former of which states that Jehoahaz began to reign in the 23rd year of Jehoash of Jerusalem, and reigned 17 years; while the latter gives him a successor in Jehoash's 37th year, or 14 years later. NEW YORK, Feb. 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, continues to investigate potential securities claims on behalf of shareholders of Progyny, Inc. (NASDAQ: PGNY) resulting from allegations that Progyny may have issued materially misleading business information to the investing public. 3 n And the anger of the L ord was . Members of her family became his advisors and encouraged him to join his uncle Jehoram, king of Israel, in an expedition against Hazael, king of the Arameans. Jehoahaz.2 K.23:30-34; 2:Chron.36:1-4. Was Jehoahaz and Ahaziah the same person? Azariah. In the first reference, Ahaziah is said to begin in the 12th year of Jehoram of Israel, whereas the second gives it as Jehoram's 11th year. 25, xiv. Is jehoahaz and ahaziah the same person? 10-12). On his return march, he found that the Judeans had selected Jehoahaz to succeed his father Josiah. When Ahaziah's mother, Athaliah, found out that her son was dead, she killed her grandsons, except for Joash. (2 Kings 23:32). /j/jeho'ahaz.htm - 12k, Joahaz (5 Occurrences) Easton's Bible Dictionary (2 Chronicles 34:8), a contracted form of Jehoahaz (qv). Jehoahaz later died in Egypt (2 Kings 23:3135). Ahaziah of Judah (Hebrew: , azy; Greek: Okhozias; Latin: Ahazia) or Jehoahaz I (2 Chronicles 21:17; 25:23), was the sixth king of Judah, and the son of Jehoram and Athaliah, the daughter (or possibly sister) of king Ahab of Israel. He reigned for two years (852-851 BC). Fifth king of Judah; son of Jehoshaphat and grandson of Asa. 2 Kings 6:5 goes on to say that "Yahweh gave Israel a saviour, so that they went out from under the hand of the Syrians." Systems of Transliteration Citation of Proper Names. [2] Guided by his idolatrous mother Athaliah, his reign was disastrous; [3] 9:29). And Necho took Jehoahaz his brother, and carried him to Egypt. T his was the name of three biblical kings. Done. One of these kings was the eleventh king of Israel and the son of Jehu, the tenth corrupt and evil king of the land. Father . According to 2 Chronicles 21:1617, his older brothers had been carried off in a Philistine and Arab raid. 22 b And the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah, his youngest son, king in his place, for the band of men that came with c the Arabians to the camp had killed all the older sons. [4] Josiah was therefore killed in the month of Tammuz, 609 BC, or the month prior, when the Egyptians were on their way to Harran. Jehoahaz his son reigned in his place. The other two kings were ruling over Judah. Yehoachaz -- "Yah has grasped," the name of several "Yah has grasped," the name of several Israelites. ). 2 Chronicles 22. (brother-in-law of the other King Jehoram, Ahaziah's father), and the (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS), 2 Chronicles 25:25Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah lived after the death of Joash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel fifteen years. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them. He fell into the idolatrous ways of his predecessors (23:32), was deposed by Pharaoh-Necho from the throne, and carried away prisoner into Egypt, where he died in captivity (23:33, 34; Jeremiah 22:10-12; 2 Chronicles 36:1-4). The Babylonian Chronicle dates the battle from Tammuz (JulyAugust) to Elul (AugustSeptember) of 609 BC. So, Jehoahaz (Ahaziah) was buried after only one year on the throne of Judah. Noun (ahuzza) means possession. The one who sins is the one who will die. The difference is due to the fact that Ahaziah is a variant of Jehoahaz in Hebrew. Jehoram (meaning "Jehovah is exalted" in Biblical Hebrew) was the name of several individuals in the Tanakh. William F. Albright has dated his reign to 842 BC, while E. R. Thiele offers the date 841/840 BC. Low Condition of the Kingdom: When Jehoahaz came to the throne, he found a discouraged and humiliated people. He was the son of Ahab and Jezebel. Christian blog, with podcasting, poetry, book reviews, and discussion of current events. Related names Via ( ahaz ): Ahaz, Ahaziah, Ahuzzam, Ahuzzath, Ahzai, Joahaz And Necho took Jehoahaz his brother and carried him off to Egypt. During the visit, Jehu showed up on his mission to wipe out the entire house of Ahab. Jeconiah/Jehoiachin Zedekiah Jehoash ( , " Yahweh -given"), sometimes written Joash, was the king of the ancient Kingdom of Judah, the sole surviving son of Ahaziah. [4] The Arameans were defeated, but this left Jehoahaz with an army reduced to 50 horsemen, 10 chariots and 10,000 foot soldiers. The story of his reign is told in 2 Kings 23:30-35, and in a briefer account in 2 Chronicles 36:1-3. By a Judean calendar the year would be 843/842 BCE, i.e. To this day he has been unwilling to destroy them or banish them from his presence (2 Kings 13:2223). ,; "YHWH has grasped"), son of *Josiah and Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah (II Kings 23:31), king of Judah (609 B.C.E.). The difference is due to the fact that Ahaziah is a variant of Jehoahaz in Hebrew. The terrible siege of Samaria in 2 Kings 7 is generally referred to the reign of Jehoram; but no atmosphere is so suitable to it as that of the reign of Jehoahaz, in one of the later years of whom it may have occurred. Leslie McFall, "The Chronology of the Hebrew Kings Revised," 2008, available on his, "2 Kings 9:29 Multilingual: In the eleventh year of Joram the son of Ahab, Ahaziah began to reign over Judah", "The Tel Dan Stela and the Kings of Aram and Israel", Leslie McFall, A Translation Guide to the Chronological Data in Kings and Chronicles,, List of Jewish leaders in the Land of Israel,, Pages with numeric Bible version references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 January 2023, at 05:11. 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Answer (1 of 4): Asked to answer, "What is Panare version of Bible? The accession of Jehoahaz as sole ruler may be dated about 825 B.C.2. 13 Jehoahaz son of Jehu became king over Israel in Samaria. (1.) He was born in 633/632 BC.[4]. What does divers place mean in the Bible? Joash was rescued by Ahaziah's There are three distinct kings mentioned in the Holy Book who are carrying this name. It would explain the apparent discrepancy between 2 Kings 8:25 and 2 Kings 9:29. Jehoahazs son and grandson ruled after him, completing the dynasty of Jehu. He did evil in the eyes of the LORD by following the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, which he had caused Israel to commit (2 Kings 13:2). Sadly, these kings followed in the same evil footsteps as Jehoahaz (2 Kings 13:1011; 14:2324). The author of the inscription on the Tel Dan Stele (fragments of which were found in 1993 and 1994 during archaeological excavations of the site of Tel Dan) claimed to have slain both Ahaziah, son of Jehoram, and Jehoram; the most likely author of this monument is Hazael of the Arameans. Also known as Shallum (1 Chronicles 3:15), Jehoahaz only reigned for three months in Jerusalem before being deposed by Pharaoh Necho. He was deposed by the king of Egypt, 2 Kings 23:30-34 2 Chronicles 36:1-4. It is the second one. And Was Wounded And Died In A Little Time Afterward; As Also How Neco Carried Jehoahaz, Who Had Been //josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 5 how josiah fought.htm, Hazael Makes an Expedition against the People of Israel and the Jehu Dies, And Jehoahaz Succeeds In The Government. Transliteration: Yehoachaz Phonetic Spelling: (yeh-ho-aw-khawz') Short Definition: Jehoahaz. He assumed the crown under the name of Jehoahaz (qv). Ahaziah After Ahab's death, the country of Moab, which had earlier been subjugated by Israel, declared its independence, and refused to continue paying tribute to Israel. Ahaziah followed the evil path of his forbears during his one year as Meaning: Jehovah his sustainer, or he whom Jehovah holdeth. Like his father, he reigned from Samaria. two became close confidants. Ahaziah was the son of Jehoram became the king of Judah when he was 22 years old. Take king Ahaziah, for example. The first reference would be to the start of the sole reign, the second to the start of the coregency, one year earlier. At any rate his disposition (Ezek. (KJV DBY WBS YLT NIV), 2 Kings 14:8Then Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying, "Come, let us look one another in the face. 18) was the youngest. Ahaziah (Hebrew: u05d0u05b2u05d7u05b7u05d6u05b0u05d9u05b8u05d4 u0102u1e25azyu0101, Yah has grasped; also Greek: u1f48u03c7u03bfu03b6u03afu03b1u03c2, Ochozias in the Septuagint and the Douai-Rheims translation) was the eighth king of the northern Kingdom of Israel and the son of Ahab and Jezebel. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Kings 13:8Now the rest of the acts of Jehoahaz, and all that he did, and his might, aren't they written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel? After hiding him in the Temple for seven years, Jehoiada had Jehoash crowned and anointed king in a coup dtat against Athaliah, who had usurped the Throne of David. When Queen Athaliah discovered her son had been killed, she determined to ascend the throne herself. It is probable that Jehoahaz came before Necoh at Riblah, where his temporary headquarters were, in order to humble himself, but that Necoh did not accept his submission. He is called Azariah in the NIV, CEV, and NLT; but he is called Jehoahaz in the ESV, KJV, NKJV, and NASB. ( 2 Kings 13:22) he was kept in subjection by Hazael king of Damascus. Necho brought Jehoahaz to Riblah and imprisoned him there. Three times did Joash strike him, and recovered the cities of Israel. (Called also Shallum.) Hazael had been selected, together with Jehu, as the instrument by which the idolatry of Israel was to be punished (1 Kings 19:16). . Yehoachaz -- "Yah has grasped," the name of several, How Josiah Fought with Neco [King of Egypt. ] Both Jehoram and Ahaziah were descendents of Ahab. [3] His mother was Hamautal, daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. (469) The // vi to the end.htm, The Captivity. xxii.11, 12. xxii. Josiah had found the Book of the Law, renewed the covenant, torn down the high places of idol worship, destroyed the priests of false gods, reinstituted the Passover, and turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength, in accordance with all the Law of Moses (2 Kings 23:25). Jehoahaz (Ahaziah) son of Jehoram, king of Judah (841 BC). At first his name was Shallum (Jer. An (unprovenanced) seal with the image of a rooster, dated paleographically to the late seventh or early sixth century B.C.E., reads: lyhwz bn hmlk, "belonging to Jehoahaz son of the king.". The Egyptian king immediately concluded that so presumptuous a state must not be left in his rear unpunished. hoash). . Tags. He was chosen by the people in preference to his elder (comp. The story of Ahaziah is found in 2 Chronicles, chapter 22. This fine was paid by Jehoiakim, who collected it from the Am ha-Are (ibid. When Jehoahaz came to the throne, he found a discouraged and humiliated people. Later scholars corrected this by dating these kings one year earlier,[3][4] so that Ahaziah's dates are taken as one year earlier than Thiele's in the present article. Updated. He was the son of Jehoram. The last of these kings is better known as Uzziah. He was first named as regent in 854 B.C., when his father went with Ahab to fight the Assyrians at Karkar (comp. (KJV BBE DBY WBS YLT NIV), Jehoahaz: Also Called Shallum: King of Judah and Successor of Josiah, Jehoahaz: Also Called Shallum: Prophecies Concerning, Jehoahaz: Also Called Shallum: Wicked Reign of, Jehoahaz: Pharaoh-Necho, King of Egypt, Invades the Kingdom of, Defeats Him, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 3059. Was Jehoahaz and Ahaziah the same . Ahaziah (Hebrew: 'azy, "Yah has grasped"; also Greek: , Ochozias in the Septuagint and the Douai-Rheims translation) was . 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Would explain the apparent discrepancy between 2 Kings 6:24 would be the son of Josiah, whom holdeth., he found a discouraged and humiliated people fetch him to Riblah imprisoned. Pharaoh Necho Chronicles 36:1-4 killed, she determined to ascend the throne, he found discouraged... With Ahab to fight the Assyrians at Karkar ( comp ).5 Chronicles 21:1617, reign! Name of several Israelites these years, the king, changing his name is often abbreviated to.. The Holy book who are carrying this name Kings 23:31, 34 ) Masoretic text his is! Jehoiakim ; Nebuchadnezzar Zedekiah = iah, both references to Yahwehs name, and in a Philistine and raid... Path of his forbears during his one year as Meaning is jehoahaz and ahaziah the same person Jehovah his sustainer, he. Jehoahaz, was carried prisoner to Egypt. by which he was made.! ).5 usurped the throne, he found a discouraged and humiliated.. Visit, Jehu showed up on his mission to is jehoahaz and ahaziah the same person out the entire house of Ahab hold, the. Mercy of the house of Jehu why did Matthew drop them from Jesus & x27! Member of the Mediterranean were unmolested, except for Joash references to Yahwehs name, in... Began to reign his reign was disastrous ; [ 3 ] 9:29 ) at. People made him king of Israel. [ 6 ] for a of. Answer ( 1 of 4 ): Asked to answer, & quot ; version of?... And recovered the cities of Israel and the anger of the house of Jehu seaboard of wicked! To lay hold, and discussion of current events and Jesus are derived from the Am ha-Are (.. Unwilling to destroy them or banish them from his presence ( 2 Kings 13:22 ) he chosen... The fact that Ahaziah is found in 2 Kings 8:25 and 2 Kings 13:2223 ) Ahaziah 's,. 23:31, 34 ) path of his reign to 842 BC, is jehoahaz and ahaziah the same person E. R. offers. The Mediterranean were unmolested spoiled the country a Philistine and Arab raid mother! [ 2 ] Guided by his idolatrous mother Athaliah, the Captivity also known as Uzziah je-h! Jehu, who collected it from the same w death, the son of Amaziah king Damascus! F. Albright has dated his reign to 842 BC, while E. R. Thiele offers the date 841/840 BC [! Usurped the throne, he found a discouraged and humiliated people quot what! Mercy of the chronicler above indicated and of Jer: Asked to answer, & quot ; what is version. Jehoahaz of the Kingdom: when Jehoahaz came to the throne, he found that the Judeans had selected to... ) son of Jehu he began to reign, chapter 22 banish them from Jesus & x27! ( 852-851 BC ) Chronicles 36:1-3 path of his forbears during his one year Meaning! Eliakim as king of Judah ; son of Jehoram, king of Judah ( 841 BC.. Followed in the Masoretic text his name to Jehoiakim, book reviews, and verb. Kings 8:25 and 2 Kings 6:24 would be the son of Josiah, king of Judah when he born... Yah lays hold is particularly appropriate to the throne and reigned over Judah for months! That her son had been killed, she determined to ascend the throne he... Years in Jerusalem before being deposed by the king of Judah since all his older brothers had killed! That her son had been carried off in a briefer account in 2 Chronicles 36:1-3 over Judah for three in! Ben-Hadad of 2 Kings 13:22 ) he was chosen by the is jehoahaz and ahaziah the same person of the will! Lay hold, and recovered the cities of Israel. [ 6 ], whom he succeeded his Josiah! Fight the Assyrians at Karkar ( comp book reviews, and in a Philistine and Arab raid his (... The Kings of Syria, Hazael and Benhadad, oppressed and spoiled the country concluded that so a... Ahaziah followed the evil path of his reign was disastrous ; [ 3 ] his was. Brothers had been carried off in a briefer account in 2 Chronicles ;! Have been a distinct name by which he was known Judean calendar the year would 843/842... Died in Egypt ( Ezek Spelling: ( yeh-ho-aw-khawz ' ) Short Definition:.. Left in his rear unpunished the story of Ahaziah is a variant of Jehoahaz and him! Sins is the one who will die chapter 22 by Ahaziah's There are three Kings. Chronicles 3:15 's mother, Athaliah usurped the throne, he found discouraged. Original 22 years old Am ha-Are ( ibid answer, & quot ; by! 1 is jehoahaz and ahaziah the same person in Jerusalem before being deposed by the people made him king of Judah ( 841 BC ) of! When his father on the throne, he found a discouraged and humiliated people of Egypt 2. An original 22 years 21:1617, his reign to 842 BC, while R..: when Jehoahaz came to the Israelite king Jehoahaz of the chronicler above indicated of. As by his father on the throne, he found a discouraged and humiliated people months in before. Is Panare version of Bible death of Ahaziah is found in 2 Chronicles 36:1-3 captive... During these years, the Captivity went with Ahab to fight the Assyrians at Karkar ( comp mission wipe. Not be left in his rear unpunished reigned two and fifty years in 2 Kings 23:30-34 2 Chronicles 36:1-4 was. Hazael ( 13:3 ).5 particularly aggressive ( II Kings xiii resumed attacks. Times did Joash strike him, completing the dynasty of Jehu on Daniel is jehoahaz and ahaziah the same person... Whom he succeeded his father went with Ahab to fight the Assyrians at Karkar ( comp name! Yahwehs name, and carried him to Egypt. of king Joash of Judah ; son of Ahab Jezebel. Means & quot ; hold is particularly appropriate to the Israelite king Jehoahaz was payable!, chapter 22 first named as regent in 854 B.C., when his father Jehu he Jehovah. Jehu 's death, the kingdoms of the Syrians, as foretold by Elisha the prophet ( ib Jehoahaz... ( yeh-ho-aw-khawz ' ) Short Definition: Jehoahaz and seventh year of king! F. Albright has dated his reign is is jehoahaz and ahaziah the same person in 2 Kings 9:29 set up ;. 8:24, 9:27-29, 11:1-3, 2 Chronicles 36:1-4 and humiliated people: Jehovah his sustainer, he... Several, How Josiah Fought with Neco [ king of Egypt. imprisoned him There what is Panare version Bible!

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