It can be very tempting for owners to share a little nibble, and extremely common for curious kitties to hang around the kitchen, hoping to scoop up any crumbs or accidental morsels that fall to the floor. Find Out If Its Safe or Not! But are all meats suitable for cats, or are some healthier than others? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Uncooked pork meat can contain parasites and even be toxic to your pets. Cats Can Eat Bacon as a Regular Treat? Cats can eat raw bacon, but only if its fresh and from a clean source like a good butcher. However, felines should not eat this food. In her spare time, she takes consultations on the small island of Guernsey. It contains high levels of chemicals and has been linked to a higher risk of cancer in humans, meaning it certainly is not healthy for our four-legged family members. Pieces of bacon given as treats would be the best way to regulate their bacon intake. You can feed a small piece of cooked bacon to your cat on occasion but it will not harm him. No, this pork cut is not good for cats. A single slice of bacon can hold ten times as much salt as a cat should eat in a day, and is loaded with saturated fat, too. While bacon is not poisonous to cats, it is not necessarily a healthy treat. However, if they sneak a little bit when youre not looking, you dont need to rush to the vet. However, its best avoided as a treat, in favor of other low-fat, low-salt foods. Its also a good source of potassium, which has many roles in your cats body, including keeping their heart, bones, and muscles healthy. It is a common misconception that cats eat processed meats such as bacon and sausage. An occasional bite will not do lasting harm, but it should never be food our purr babies should consume a lot of or be given often. It has a little less protein, somewhat lower fat, and fewer calories. Cats can eat cooked bacon in small amounts, but this only applies to bacon that hasnt been seasoned or added nitrates. Its best to offer your cat a healthier treat, one that provides more nutritional bang for their buck. It has a parasitic infection in its stomach, which is comparable to how much fat you have. If your cat requires too much sodium, bacon is usually too high in sodium. Yes. This amount will provide them with a tasty snack without any of the harmful side effects of larger quantities. This is in part due to the high salt content. A cat can eat bacon at any age. While eating bacon with your cat can be a fun and delicious bonding experience, it is not recommended that you give it to your pet on a regular basis. These are toxic to them. Bacon is not toxic to cats, so a small piece wont harm them. Though it does have less fat and calories than traditional, this option is still not healthy enough to be considered good for felines to consume. If you want to feed your cat something tasty, there are several alternatives. The element of saltiness never fails to put a smile on our face at breakfast time. Cats can become ill if they eat raw meat and develop a number of food poisoning symptoms. Additionally, cooked meats, without any added ingredients, are also ok. So, if your clever kitty sneaks some by accident when youre not looking, you dont have to worry too much. Although bacon is meat, it should not be fed to cats. No, cats should not eat bacon raw. This option is made from light and dark cuts mixed together, seasoned to taste similar to pork, and then pressed into strip form. This is why your cat may go crazy the second they pick up the scent of any raw meat or cooked meat. With a few considerations. But bacon is a processed meat that is loaded with fat and salt. Find Out Now! NOTE: Advice provided within this article by is not a substitute for veterinary advice. However, felines should not eat this food. If your cat consumes too much fat, he or she may develop digestive problems, obesity, and other serious health issues. Even cooked, it is high in fat, calories, salt, nitrates, and triglycerides. Bacon is not toxic to cats, so a small piece wont harm them. These treats taste great, help calm kitties down, and help with different things like pain management. If you give your cat some bacon on occasion, it is a good idea to do so. Please discuss your pets specific dietary needs (based on his breed, weight, age, and health status) with a veterinarian. Increases in body temperature, breathing, or heart rate. These might sound like great benefits, but for cats, the nutritional downsides of bacon are far more significant. Processed meats are loaded with salt. What you need to limit on is giving large quantities of bacon because of the meats high salt and fatty content. Well explain everything you need to know. Any bacon grease should be absorbed to reduce the chance of it giving your furry friend an upset tummy. Cats are carnivores, but they dont need a lot of fat in their diet. The answer is yes! The tip-top shape of cooked will most likely will not harm your cat in any way. We jump in to answer the question of cats eating bacon. Look for foods that state they offer complete nutrition, as well as meet the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) pet food nutritional guidelines. This includes making sure they are getting proper nutrition. Even though turkey is an ingredient in many pet foods, turkey bacon is simply not appropriate or suitable to feed to felines. These delicious snacks are made with real bacon and are sure to tantalize your cats taste buds. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Its best to stick with bacon flavor cat treats, or other healthy cat treats, though. Cats can eat cooked bacon in small amounts, but this only applies to bacon that hasnt been seasoned or added nitrates. If you wouldn't eat it, don't give it to your pet. If you want to give your cat some bacon, you should give it extremely small amounts. Eating too much can be a problem and lead to some long-term health conditions, including obesity, dehydration, high blood pressure, and clogged blood vessels. The high levels of grease and sodium pose as detrimental to your cats' health. Can Cats Eat Pork? A tiny slice of cooked bacon given to your cat regularly is unlikely to be harmful. Never feed kitties food prepared with spices like onion or garlic. In the short term, eating too much of it may cause your kitty to have gastrointestinal distress and stomach pain. And if not, it's alright, this means more bacon for us! While cats will groom. In small doses and served on rare occasions, bacon wont bother your cat as it is not toxic to them. position: absolute; The quick answer: Yes, cats can eat bacon sparingly, but it is not recommended to feed bacon to your cat regularly. Pepperoni is another example of a cured meat that is not advisable for kitties to consume. Summary of Content While it may be tempting to share our food with them, especially tasty meat snacks, it is best to stick to treats and foods made for felines to eat. They may be very thirsty and urinate excessively, and in the worst-case scenario, can experience coma, seizures, or death. There are some fruits and vegetables that can be given to cats, in moderation, as treats. However, felines should not eat this food. If you do decide to give your cat bacon, only offer cooked bacon, and remove the fat. The fat is what makes it so crispy and delicious. When it comes to Canadian bacon, its all about curing and not smoking. The health risks associated with bacon for cats are high, but the benefits of bacon for cats are limited. For cats, it is recommended that they consume no more than 800 milligrams of sodium per day, but bacon contains approximately 137.4 milligrams of sodium. So, can cats eat bacon too? Bits from the kitchen counter can mess with this important mixture, particularly foods like bacon that are high in calories and salt. Why do cats love bacon so much? This educational content is not veterinary advice and does not replace consultation with a qualified veterinarian. No, cats should not eat these. Bacon has a fair amount of protein in it, and cats need all the protein that they can get. According to the British Dietetic Association (BDA), one slice of bacon contains approximately 137.4mg of sodium, making it one of the UKs most fat and saturated fat sources. This can be life-threatening. Any health benefits that they get will be massively dwarfed by the negatives, however. Bacon in moderate amounts is not toxic to cats and doesnt contain any dangerous compounds, as long as its not highly processed meat. Processed human foods are not ideal for animals, and bacon is one of the most highly processed foods out there. Pet treats are available from The Granville Island Pet Treatery. If you give your cat raw bacon, it will be contaminated with harmful bacteria. The only way for a cat to die from eating raw bacon is to ingest it. The vast majority of people are unaware that cats have lactose intolerance. Find Out Why Your Kitty May Be Thin. Once that is complete, you will tear off a small piece the size of a pencil eraser and offer it to your cat. While bacon isnt used in commercial cat foods, its sometimes contained in cat treats. WebYes, cats can eat bacon, but they shouldnt. Bacon is perfectly safe for cats as long as the servings are small and infrequent and if the cat does not have any underlying medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes, or obesity. The classic depiction of a cat eating bacon is engraved deeply in our minds. If you want to give your kitty a bacon-like treat, turkey bacon isnt healthier than its pork counterpart. In a lot of cases, too much bacon can damage their organs. There is no doubt that bacon is delicious, but is it safe for cats? Back pork tends to be more ham-like, whereas side cuts, when cooked in just the right way, yield those crunchy, irresistible strips of salty pork that are hard to put down. When administering pills in your cats meals, you can add bacon to the mix so theyll consume the pills hidden in the cat food also. For cats, it is recommended that they consume no more than 800 milligrams of sodium per day, but bacon contains approximately 137.4 milligrams of sodium. So, while its okay for humans to eat a slice of bacon in moderation, is it okay for us to feed it to our cats? To cover the basics, turkey bacon typically contains a lot of salt and fat, which is just as harmful to cats as it is for us. View all posts by Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, MRCVS, 10 Herbs That Are Toxic To Cats (And 7 That Are Safe), 15 Tips To Help Your Cat Adjust To Your Home, New Research Proves Owning A Cat Is Good For Your Heart. Any health benefits that they get will be massively dwarfed by the negatives, however. Cats on a food elimination trial. Bacon is a tasty treat for both humans and cats. Some people claim that their favourite meat is raw meat. While bacon can be fed to your cat on a regular basis, it is safe to share a small amount with your cat at this time. This is why your cat may go crazy the second they pick up the scent of any raw meat or cooked meat. Cats appetites are disrupted when they eat too much salt, and they are more prone to developing fatty deposits as a result. Can cats eat chocolate? Its not a secret that bacon isnt a particularly healthy food. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means that they require animal protein to survive. Lets find out why. On the other hand, there are very few vitamins present. However, felines should not eat this food. Now, lets find out more about the risk and benefits before we get into how much and how often you can feed bacon if you want to ensure your cats safety. The excess salt and fat are very unhealthy for them. This is animal protein, so kitties will be attracted to the smell and taste, but this is not the high-quality kind of animal protein that felines need. Your cat will no doubt enjoy bacon and savor the taste, but it is not good for them thanks to the high salt and fat content, not to mention the preservatives contained in bacon. Toxic: No document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Yes, in the strictest sense of the word. Is Pork Healthy or Even Safe for Cats. After all, cats need protein as part of their diet, and the various vitamins and minerals in bacon are also important. . To help them keep their food intake and diet healthy, lets decide on a few things on what our cats can and cannot eat. Editors Note . Fatty foods are not healthy for your cats digestion, and eating foods that are high in saturated fats can cause cats to experience digestive stress. In addition to a balanced diet provided by commercial cat food, you can offer some foods as treats. Take care to prepare it safely. We all can agree that bacon is delicious, salty, crunchy, and one of the best parts about Sunday brunch. It is high in fats and salts, two things that can be very detrimental to a felines health. A few precautions should be taken when feeding bacon to your cat. Its lower in calories and fat than traditional bacon, so it must be healthier for our cats (and us) to eat, right? Before giving your cat any raw meat, make sure he or she is properly veterinarianed and nutritionisted. As a result, it is perfectly safe for you to give your cat bacon every now and then, but it is not recommended that you do so on a regular basis. All is well when its given as an occasional treat because youre about to see why bacon is NOT recommended as a daily meal for cats. So it makes sense to give them that. Well, the short answer is no, cats shouldnt eat bacon. A small piece of bacon wont hurt your cat, though it might awaken the bacon-loving fiend inside of them. Take the necessary precautions with feeding raw meat (raw bacon) such as keeping your cooking utensils clean. A small piece of bacon wont hurt your cat, though it might awaken the bacon-loving fiend inside of them. Healthy foods for cats provide all the sodium intake a cat needs. This diet is relatively easy to replicate with commercial cat food, which is typically made with chicken, turkey, or fish. Why Are Cats Scared of Cucumbers? Raw or spoiled meat could make your cat sick. However, the most important part of being a pet parent is making decisions to keep your purry pal as healthy as possible. Sure, you can give your cat Canadian bacon, but is it the best thing for them? Technically speaking, yes, cats can eat bacon in that they have the ability to chew it up and swallow it. Some foods are not only inappropriate but also dangerous. Chantelle is passionate about two things in her life writing and animals. Cooked beef, chicken, turkey, and small amounts of lean deli meats are a great way to give them that. This means that their diet should be predominantly meat. 2023 Cover Story Media, Inc. All rights reserved. As a result, its better for your pet to avoid bacon. Signs of digestive issues include soft stools, diarrhea, vomiting, and indigestion. Bacon is heavily processed as it goes through several stages like curing, smoking, and salting before it winds up in the grocery store. The smell is so powerful that saliva begins to flow into your mouth, and the meat is so juicy and crunchy that you can only imagine how good it is. We recommend that you follow our feeding guidelines, but it is high in fat and salt (sodium). When administering pills in your cats meals, you can add bacon to the mix so theyll consume the pills hidden in the cat food also. Bacon is very high in salt. Its only OK to offer it to them in tiny, bite-sized amounts, and only on rare occasions at that. Yes, cats can certainly make a good bacon dish. So, while this food may not be poisonous to them, its not safe for them either. } When bacon is fed to your cat, it becomes overweight due to its high fat content. Bacon is high in fat and salt, neither of which are ideal for cats. While bacon is not poisonous to cats, it is not necessarily a healthy treat. We do our best to help you better understand your cats, but the information on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. Its best to stick with treats designed for cats or other healthier human foods. Artificial bacon bits are even worse of course since they dont even have real bacon in them! Cats are obligate carnivores which means they must eat meat to survive. So it makes sense to give them that. Of course, standard bacon is pork-based, but turkey bacon will contain a much lower fat content because turkey is such a lean meat. Because bacon is not toxic to cats, you do not need to be concerned about them eating it. The answer is yes, but with a caveat. Its highly advised that you feed your cat some bacon just as an occasional treat. Making Cat Food: Homemade And Raw Cat Food Diets Explained, 6 Common Reasons Why Cats Pee Outside The Litter Box, The 5 Best Cat Exercise Wheels: Tested & Reviewed, Eyelid Agenesis In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment. .summary-table .table-item{ Its not proven whether this risk is the same for cats, but it stands to reason. So, while you can give your cat Canadian bacon, it is not the best choice for their diet. Bacon is not toxic to cats, so a small piece wont harm them. Always discuss giving your cat raw meat of any kind with your veterinarian first, if possible. One ounce of Canadian bacon is roughly 30 calories with less than 1 gram of fat. It's even a great, occasional treat for some pets. You might enjoy bacon for breakfast, maybe in a sandwich with ketchup, or as part of a fry-up. However, in general, bacon is not considered to be a healthy food for cats, as it is high in fat and sodium. Can Cats Cry? Humans often grab a package of turkey bacon in the grocery store if theyre trying to watch their weight. When feeding your cat pills, make sure to add bacon. Well, it is a type of pork, which is an animal protein. Still, it is very high in fats and salt (sodium), and you should follow our feeding guidelines as eating too much bacon may cause health problems like obesity, salt poisoning, high blood pressure, or pancreatitis in cats. Species Appropriate: No Yes, your cat can derive some nutrition from the bacon that you feed them. Anything that isnt natural should be avoided. Never feed your cat raw bacon, as it may contain harmful bacteria. So, any bacon you give to your cat should be cooked without seasonings or other ingredients. Cats may eat bacon, however, like with other human meals, they should only consume it in moderate amounts. Eating meat is programmed into their DNA and has been fed by thousands of years of evolution. Salt in extremely large quantities has the potential to be poisonous to felines. Moreover, can cats eat raw bacon? Always consult with your veterinarian about any nutritional or growth concerns. Its not healthy in any way, but a small piece as an occasional treat will not harm your kit. A bacon is more similar to ham than a bacon made from pigs, but it is much more expensive to cure. 8 Reasons for This Behavior, Can Adult Cats Eat Kitten Food? Yes, cats can eat bacon, but they shouldnt. Bacon is a fatty meat, though, and can cause health problems for cats if given in large quantities. Learn more. Cats are natural meat-eaters, and the aroma of bacon, as well as the flavor of the flesh, should attract them. Can cats eat bacon? WebNot all cats can eat bacon, some underlying health conditions or prescription diets may exclude treats, this includes: Kittens (unweaned and weaned) Cats with high blood pressure. One ounce of Canadian bacon is roughly 30 calories with less than 1 gram of fat. Bacon is perfectly safe for cats as long as the servings are small and infrequent and if the cat does not have any underlying medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes, or obesity. Quick Overview: Can Cats Eat Bacon? The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. It is permissible to feed raw bacon to your cat if the raw meat has not been cured. What You Need to Know! Cats may eat bacon, however, like with other human meals, they should only consume it in moderate amounts. Bacon is a tasty snack for cats because it is high in protein and other nutrients like selenium and choline. No, this is not an appropriate treat for kittens. When cats see bacon listed as a component of cat treats, they may be alarmed. Bacon is a fatty meat, though, and can cause health problems for cats if given in large quantities. It is important always to use caution when feeding felines human foods. In fact, Canadian bacon is about 50% fat. WebNot all cats can eat bacon, some underlying health conditions or prescription diets may exclude treats, this includes: Kittens (unweaned and weaned) Cats with high blood pressure. Simply put, can cats eat bacon as treats? This is animal protein, so kitties will be attracted to the smell and taste, but this is not the high-quality kind of animal protein that felines need. All in all, if your cat eats a slice of bacon, now and then, accidentally, do not worry. Raw meat must be prepared and served fresh to a cat, and owners must be careful as raw meat runs the risk of bacteria. A form of cured sausage that typically blends beef and pork, salami (and its popular pizza topping relative, pepperoni) is technically safe to offer your cat. A piece of a slice of bacon on occasion isnt going to hurt your cat, but it doesnt provide any nutritional benefits for them, either. So, go ahead and spoil your feline friend occasionally, but check with your veterinarian to make sure what youre giving is safe first. Soft stools, diarrhea, vomiting, and the various vitamins and minerals in bacon are more... And minerals in bacon are far more significant cats need protein as part of a cat to from. Without any added ingredients, are also important in it, and the various vitamins and in! { its not safe for them to them cats or other healthier human foods the!, so a small piece of cooked will most likely will not harm your cat time, she takes on! 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