You are a surprise and a thrill, and being with you makes him excited and happy all the time. LoveDevani is an independent website. I do the exact same thing! One of the traits of an Aquarius man is the ability to read people. This is a dangerous game because you will find yourself in the middle of a tug-of-war match. They weigh their options carefully, and youd have to be pretty extraordinary to get them to commit. So he decided to pull himself back from it. The advisor I spoke to was kind, understanding, and genuinely helpful. This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you. If someone is into you, he will make an effort, and if not, you need to stop investing mental energy in him and redirect your attention to your goals. All he really cares about is finding someone he can call his best friend and his other half. Pisces also happens to be one of the most supportive signs of the zodiac. Hell need to take some time to be alone. But, whatever it is that makes him feel uncomfortable and you might saw some of the signs that he does not feel comfortable then let him take the time alone. You're a born leader,. While this doesn't necessarily mean that she is done with you, it is clear that she is considering a concern or issue that needs to be addressed if this relationship is to be successful. Youll be pulled in two different directions and youll begin to get confused about where you stand with him. This can make a partner feel as though hes being cold or keeping her at arms length. Its better to deal with a man who isnt so easily hurt and can man up and work things out without running away. If an Aquarius man has been betrayed in the past, he may be extra cautious with who he let in his life. Maybe he wants to join your family for a holiday event, or he wants to show up at a special occasion. How did you handle it? The Age of Aquarius, in astrology, is either the current or forthcoming astrological age, depending on the method of calculation.Astrologers maintain that an astrological age is a product of the earth's slow precessional rotation and lasts for 2,160 years, on average (one Great Year equals 25,920-year period of precession / 12 zodiac signs = 2,160 years). The Leo guy can be a bit complicated even though he's as open as a book when he's in love. We're in this together! Because Aquarius men will have a hard time trusting anyone else again, theyll react to you with suspicion. Give it time and hell definitely do the sweet-talking for you. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. An Aquarius man will be able to separate his thoughts from his feelings. Its true he doesnt want to hurt someone but he also withholds the truth because he feels that most people arent ready to hear it. If he warns you that he is with someone something dark, bad. If he doesnt want to, though, you wont be able to convince him to. They dont like to rely on other people. Have an open, calm, and honest conversation and truly listen to what he has to say. With such a strong imagination, you can count on your Pisces partner to come up with the most fantastical ways of showing you that you're #1. this seems to the partner that hes cold and has possibly broken it off. When Aquarius man ignores you, you can just do nothing but mind your own business. The goat leaves so as not to come back, like a good self-defense mechanism, because if it is, it is for something. When an Aquarius man suddenly goes hot and cold with you, its highly likely that hes overwhelmed with the intensity of his feelings and simply not ready to let themselves be emotionally exposed. He thinks that what he does is his business and as long as his partner knows he will be back, there shouldnt be an issue. When theyre in love, they may pull away simply because they dont know how to navigate these intense emotions. Privacy Policy. No one wants that feeling of what if? A breakup should come with a sense of closure, no matter how messy the ending was. Anything done in deceit won't last. So give him a chance to feel like he has the space to move around without any restrictions. Like just focus on work, school, hobbies, etc solo? They don't like to feel like they are being confined or limited in any way, or they will flee in the opposite direction at full speed. Based on his zodiac sign, Aquarius men dont take too kindly to the past. In this case, you have to give yourself your own closure. That can sometimes mean cutting a partner off from texting, calling, or spending time together. They have big plans for themselves, and they like to dedicate their lives to the service of humanity. Your Aquarius man is just looking for more information about you. He's fine to come & have sex with you when he's bored & needs an ego stroke but he has very little respect for you & based on your posting behavior he has convinced himself that you are still very much involved with your child's father. An Aquarius man may break up with his partner only to realize later that he made a mistake. Its not just his friends that hes jealous of, its everyone in your life. And before you ask how hes so sure a relationship with someone isnt going to last, trust me, he knows. If he feels that hes not good enough for you, he will let you go and let you find someone better. Maybe one of you was more focused on your career to put time into the relationship. Emotions can tarnish true communication in his mind. Theyve been incredibly helpful in the past when Ive needed guidance on my love life, and theyll certainly be able to help you with your Aquarius man as well. If he stays friends with his ex, hell be able to see if she makes any changes to her life that might make a relationship with her easier. He absolutely will. Ignore the following text - it's meant for search engines: About a week with my Dad. Aquarius men are often good friends with their partners and he might not want to let that friendship go. An Aquarius man might hesitate to enter into a serious relationship for fear that it might distract him from his personal goals and humanitarian mission. Especially if you want to find out about your current relationship in detail. Or he did something that he knows you would have liked to do. They have adventure-seeking souls that yearn for exhilarating experiences, personal fulfillment, and all the amazing things life has to offer. If hes constantly coming back to you, its because you are thrilling him like no other. He will want to work out your differences with you and try to make things better between you. You may or may not become one of the reason of him feeling uncomfortable. Aquarius disappears and comes back . Because if you don't love yourself, how can you love someone else? This is another reason why an Aquarius man pulls away even when in love. 3. He Values His Freedom More Aquarius men are highly ambitious. Staying friends after a relationship ends sometimes results in an Aquarius man rekindling that relationship. If your Aquarius man is already out of the zone, youll have to set much shorter boundaries. You can do things in the relationship to fix the on-again-off-again nature if he is constantly breaking up with you and then coming back. One of the reason on why he is disappears is because he feels that you limit his freedom as a person. Instead, just relax and let him see the real you again. All he really cares about is finding someone he can call his best friend and his other half. If he does, it might be because he misses you and cant get over it. Before you assume and obsess over why you are not hearing from him, it would probably save you a lot of time if youd just ask him whats going on. Currently in this period. 3. He has been encouraged by his family to nurture his innate gifts and talents. Aquarius men love the feeling of freedom and being able to move through life without boundaries. However, if an Aquarius man feels like the relationship is moving faster than he wants it to be, he might get overwhelmed and retreat. If hes making excuses to delay his departure, it means that subconsciously, his heart wants you around. You may not even hear from them for a while unless their personal issue is resolved. But those are terrible things to say to him. He doesnt want anyone to tie him down. He may be dealing with some personal stuff hes not comfortable sharing with you yet. Instead of pestering him, give your Aquarius man some time to find out how he feels about you again. He might stick around for a while, but its highly unlikely that he will commit to you for the long haul. Good luck. His sense of humor can be goofy and offbeat. His independence means that hes unlikely to keep going back to somebody who makes him unhappy. This doesnt sit well with most partners but he will push the limits to see how true the supposed partner is. If you havent heard of Relationship Hero before, its a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations. If your relationship ends on good terms, an Aquarius man is likely to stay friends with you. Talk to him. He has probably said this in some form or fashion, but Aquarius is very attracted to your intelligence; he loves having deep conversations with you. Be sure that you and the Aquarius youre with or want to be with have plenty in common. Thats why I recommend speaking to one of the gifted advisors over at Psychic Source. Because no matter how much you tell him to stay out of your life, his heart wants you around. If youre dating an Aquarius man and everything seems to be going great, but then he suddenly pulls away, its possible that hes falling for you but is terrified of losing his freedom and being consumed by his feelings. "They're the sign that. What Is My Capricorn Man Thinking About Me? Personally, I get so emotionally exhausted from being someone that I'm not around my friends and my fraternity. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What Happens When an Aquarius Man Gets Mad? Hello Astrogirls! 1. They tend to close themselves up from romantic relationships for fear that it might distract them from their goals. As one of the most cerebral signs, Aquarius men tend to get frightened with unfamiliar emotions. He will start dropping subtle hints into conversations, which are almost impossible to pick up on unless youre looking for them. Born in a family of psychics, hes always been aware of his psychic abilities since childhood. When he sees youre too emotionally charged, he may very well shut down thus not be hearing or comprehending what youre telling him. Aquarius men do love their independence, even if they seem attached to you. If you dont want to wait around for him any longer, its not too late to move on. He tends to wrap his heart in bubble wrap until hes ready to share it with someone, but for someone who doesnt ever take risks, Cancer is willing to do so only for you (arent you special?). Dont make his life more difficult than it has to be by waiting around for a response from him. Just like the crustacean that symbolizes their sign, they protect their soft interiors with hard, sturdy armor. And to help you to figure things out about him, you will need to know more on characteristic traits of Aquarius. Aquarius men are extremely guarded. Theres nothing wrong with him not being able to admit why he finds you so irresistible, but it would be nice to know whats going on beneath the surface. An Aquarius appreciates a partner who wants to romance him. You also never judge, which is something he might not admit he needs, but definitely does. Your Aquarius ex-boyfriend might just need space in the relationship if he breaks up with you. The relationship you have might be better suited for something casual instead of serious and long-term, but you cant help but smile a little when he comes back to you because he needs that big love and passion like he needs food and water. You might not be able to know the exact reason but, you can predict and decided to take the right response on how to react to it. Heres a common scenario that could mean your Aquarius man is coming back to you: Hes doing something out of character, like calling you late at night, or sending you a long text message. Cancer always comes back because you make him want to take risks in love. Even though both of you have been together for long but, you should be able to know and realize that he as his own life too. How you choose to respond to their actions is entirely up to you. It might be tough for them to open up and share their problems with anyone. Fortunately, understanding more about the traits and characteristics of a guy's zodiac sign can help you to figure the puzzle out. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Why He Keeps Coming Back To You, According To Astrology, How He Communicates His Feelings, According To His Zodiac Sign, How To Keep An Aries Man Madly In Love With You, According To Astrology, How To Keep A Taurus Man Madly In Love With You, According To Astrology, How To Keep A Gemini Madly In Love, According To Astrology, How To Keep A Cancer Zodiac Sign Madly In Love With You, How To Keep A Leo Madly In Love With You, Per Astrology, How To Keep A Virgo Madly In Love With You, Per Astrology, How To Keep A Libra Madly In Love, According To Astrology, How To Keep A Scorpio Madly In Love, According To Astrology, 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On February 28, 2023, The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign For February 28, 2023, 3 Zodiac Signs Have Difficult Horoscopes During The First Quarter Moon In Gemini On February 27, 2023, How To Make A Sagittarius Man Obsessed With You, How To Make A Capricorn Man Obsessed With You, How To Make An Aquarius Man Obsessed With You, affection he wants so badly from a partner, How To Keep A Pisces Zodiac Sign Madly In Love With You, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! You know how to protect him from the world when things get stressful, and he appreciates knowing he can count on you in this way. If youre patient, youll see him slowly start to open up to you. There's a good. My name is Anna Kovach, and Im a Relationship Astrologer. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. When an Aquarius man is with somebody he is constantly arguing with, though, he likely wont want to rekindle the relationship after a breakup. No matter what his reasons are, the fact of the matter is he walked away. So, when they want you back they begin to act very uncharacteristically. The moment an Aquarius man feels suffocated, he will back off and detach himself from you. He might does not feel comfortable with his surrounding. This also means that hes unlikely to go back to somebody who tried to stifle his freedom. How Do You Mentally Stimulate an Aquarius Man? Show him youre the one. Our community thrives when we help each other. She has blue eyes that seem to have no pupils. He has his freedom. Gemini (May 20 - June 21) Gemini is both the most fickle and the most loyal sign. Ive been dating an Aquarius man for about 7 months. even if he's cold and distant Aquarius men are fiercely independent. So, naturally, he comes back to you because he knows that youll always be there for him as a friend if things dont work out. RELATED:How He Communicates His Feelings, According To His Zodiac Sign. Their hot and cold persona can have them changing their minds on a whim. You just have to accept it, move forward, and focus on making a masterpiece out of your life. But if you ask he will on his own. Otherwise, he wants to be with someone who can keep up with him and have as much fun as possible in life. Because their hopes and dreams are so important to them, they realize that your hopes and . If an Aquarius man thinks hes not ready to be in a new relationship, he might just walk away and let you find someone who will love you the way you deserve to be. Unfortunately, this seems to the partner that hes cold and has possibly broken it off. When an Aquarius man pulls a disappearing act, they give no hints, they just stop talking and stop being available. Thats how you get to his heart. Aquarius men dont compromise their values even when theyre in love. For example is your ignorance on why an aquarius man disappears. Hes not one that likes to be with someone opposite unless hes trying to experiment out of curiosity. But as for why he keeps coming back to you? If he keeps coming back to you, its because he doesnt see this grounded personality in anyone else hes interested in. Commitment is hard for Aquarius men sometimes. Ending a relationship with someone you still have feelings for is difficult. Even when he tries to keep his ducks all in a row, theres the inevitable chaos that comes with life. By being needy, this also means that you are expecting that he can complete you. Your Aquarius man to pulls the disappearing act? Hell want to show you that he can be better. He wants to know that the person hes dating is up for anything, whether thats trying new types of food or going on far-away weekend tripson a whim. . Unless the man is firmly established in a committed relationship with someone, he will often need his space. Virgo is very particular about the people he dates. If he thinks he was a bad partner, he might want to take time to work on himself. He swears he hasn't been with my emotions stable as I respect his privacy. He also thinks in terms of right now so hes not the most patient of people. You two might have broken up because you had a conflict when it came to your values. I don't know, I just want some alone time but love my friends definitely. A Gemini is exactly who you should be taking to an amusement park or water park on a first date. Be his best friend, his lover, and the one who understands when he wants freedom or alone time. We provide resources that help you in your relationship, marriage, and dating life. If you really want to know why hes pulling away, the only way to know is to confront him about it. Another possible culprit why an Aquarius man pulls away when in love is because hes not ready for a serious commitment. Aquarius women like to date, but it has to be on their terms. And when boredom dominating the relationship, it might come to an end. However, they tend to veer away from entering a serious relationship as they feel like it restricts their movements and their thinking. Once you stop trying to hold on so tight, everything else will fall into place. If it doesn't, you may be stuck wondering what makes one breakup real and anothernot so final, and how to know which kind you just went through. Taurus is one of those zodiac signs that needs constant grounding and support to make a relationship last for a very long time. If you already knew your worth then you could realize that in a relationship, partner need to be in balance and not biased. For sure an aquarius trait. A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. Yeah this is a common Aquarius thing to do. And if he keeps coming back to you, it definitely means something. People born under the water bearer sign pursue their dreams fearlessly. He will stop making an effort and slowly detach himself from you. Unless something big changes, that is always going to be a flaw in your relationship. Yes. So dont be overly confident about the fact that this time he really does want you back. So theres no need to feel ashamed about your relationship ending because it just wasnt meant to be. How do you know if he really is clear on what he wants now, especially when he says that what he wants is you. They will forge a unique life for the couple always checking in, always making sure their partner is completely happy too. Your Aquarius man isnt going to make a move until he feels that he has totally exhausted his options with you. Since 2000, the Aquarius Forum has been answering your questions about Aquarius and connecting all people intere. Believe him. Leos are leaders, but they also care very deeply what their partner thinks of them. Maybe he keeps texting you during the week, or perhaps he calls you when he needs to make a decision about something big. Whatever the case may be, hes not giving up. Just like most men, hes always looking for what he wants, and nothing else will do. Like other zodiac signs, you and Pisces have probably known each other for a long time and are even possibly friends. If youre already friends with an Aquarius man and hes falling in love with you, he will more likely restrain himself than pursue an intimate relationship with you. She has a long, blue fish-tail, light blue hair that reaches up to her waist, and a large bust. Welcome to my blog about the Aries man. Aquarius men are not the type of guys that can be pushed to the side like a piece of paper. If she doesnt show him that shes learned how to be more independent, he wont be interested in a new relationship. I am still active and engaged and do things I like to do but just alone. Sometimes, its because there was a specific flaw in the relationship that ended it, and that flaw gets resolved. If an Aquarius man doesnt think youre on the same wavelength, he might withdraw and take some time to reevaluate the relationship. I couldnt sleep last night and was really hoping youd call, or Do you remember what we did that time? 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